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[žÀ̽´] Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp leads K-Agrifood industry
Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp established in 1967 under the name Rural Development Corporation. It has contributed to the improveme...
¼Û¹æ¿ø ±âÀÚ  2023-05-17
[žÀ̽´] Namyangju, the city more than imagination!
Namyangju provides unsparing support for children welfare programsNamyangju is determined to promote children¡¯s programs covering a variety ...
ÀÓº´±Ç ±âÀÚ  2023-04-11
[žÀ̽´] We will solve the tap water litter larvae!
In 2020, larvae were found in household faucet filters, causing great social turmoil. Larvae were found in activated carbon filters used in ...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2023-03-16
[žÀ̽´] Gangdong-gu, Seoul, takes a great leap forward to be the economic hub of the eastern capital region under its slogan ¡®powerful change, proud Gangdong¡¯
Gangdong-gu is a historical district of Seoul that preserves the 6,000-year-old Amsa Prehistoric Site. It is located in the upper reaches of...
¹éÁ¾¿ø ±âÀÚ  2023-03-16
[žÀ̽´] The total learning platform that improves quality of life: Estate
Due to the increase in average life expectancy of mankind and rapid social change, the need for lifelong education continues to be high. Peo...
°­¿µÈÆ  2023-02-15
[žÀ̽´] No more smombie traffic accidents!! Smart crosswalk safety system tailored to the public eye level Excellent effect in preventing smombie traffic accidents and nighttime pedestrian accidents: Sungpoo
Excellent effect in preventing traffic accidents and night walking accidents: Sungpoong Solled¡¯s Floor Type Pedestrian Traffic LightInterloc...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2023-01-17
[žÀ̽´] Turning children¡¯s imagination into reality
As a child, you may remember the story of Pinocchio, whose nose grows when he tells lies. ¡°Pinocchio¡± was published in the 19th century and ...
Àå¼±Èñ ±âÀÚ  2023-01-17
Q.PINOKIA鎏诞A. 膧擩蘢ㄛ銌给们讲顴诺蟓çÜ瓿ㄛ膧...
Àå¼±Èñ ±âÀÚ  2023-01-17
[žÀ̽´] í­Í꪿ªÁªÎ¡¸«¤«áー«¸«Íー«·«ç«óªòúÞ実ªË¡¹ (ñ»)«Ô«Î«Ñ«ß«ê«¢«ïー«ë«É«Ô«ÎªÎ«¤・«½«è«óÓÛøú
Q. «Ô«Î«­«¢ªÎ÷«ßæÛÎÌØÐàªÓ«ïー«ë«É«­«ÎªÎàâØ¡ª­ªÃª«ª±A. «Ô«Î«­«ªªÎÚªåÞªòí­Í꪿ªÁªËÚ¤ª«ª»ªÆª¢ª²ªÆª¤ª¿ª¢ªëìí¡¢£µ歳ªÎí­ÍꪬÞçªËª³ª¦å몤ªÞª·ª¿¡£¡º«Ô«Î«­«ªªÏʬªÊªÈª­¡¢ªÉª¦ª¹ªëªÎ£¿Ò³ªÎí­ªÎ«Ô«Î«­«ªª¬ª¤ªÆªÛª·ª¤¡»ª½ªÎí­ªÏ«Ô«Î«­«ªª¬îÖª·ª½ª¦ªÀªÈÊ視ª¿ªßª¿ª¤ªÇ...
Àå¼±Èñ ±âÀÚ  2023-01-17
[žÀ̽´] Come In Wash, advancing to the world with innovative technology
No touch no brush automated car wash brand Come In Wash won the Trade Industry and Energy Minister¡¯s Prize at the Innovation Winner 2022. Pr...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2022-12-20
[žÀ̽´] ¡ìCome in Wash¡í progressant dans le monde avec une technologie innovante
Come in Wash (PDG Yang Seok Won), un leader du lavage automatique de voiture sans contact et sans brosse, a eu l¡¯honneur de recevoir le prix...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2022-12-20
[žÀ̽´] úÔãæîܪÊÐüâúÕôªÇá¦Í£ªËòäõóª¹ªë ¡¸«³«à«¤«ó«¦«©«Ã«·«å¡¹
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2022-12-20
[žÀ̽´] òÉýéªÈù¡Ì«ªòªâªÈªË¡¢«ë«Í«µ«ó«¹ªòíªêß¾ª²ªë×£ìÒ÷åÖÇã¼
¹éÁ¾¿ø ±âÀÚ  2022-12-20
[žÀ̽´] éÄòÉ兴ûúù¡Ì«öèðãÙþ艺复兴îÜ龙ìÒ÷åÖÇã¼
¹éÁ¾¿ø ±âÀÚ  2022-12-20
[žÀ̽´] Yongin Special City creating a renaissance through push and dignity
Utilizing the central government¡¯s good connections to realize Yongin Renaissance and to secure its authority Yongin City Mayor Lee Sang-il ...
¹éÁ¾¿ø ±âÀÚ  2022-12-20
[žÀ̽´] Eco Farm City and the Defense Information Portal to create Korea¡¯s first eco-farm city
Ko Duk-sang, CEO of an agricultural corporation Eco Farm City, has been researching eco-friendly farming methods for over 20 years. As a res...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2022-11-18
[žÀ̽´] ûú国ÛÁãáãÓ门户网ó×ÍìÔÒõÏ进国内âÏ个ßæ态农场àòã¼Ëï设计划
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2022-11-18
[žÀ̽´] 国ÛÁï×ÜëÝー«¿«ëªÈ国内ôøªÎ«¨«³«Õ«¡ー«à«·«Æ«£ðãà÷õÏòä
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2022-11-18
[žÀ̽´] Thuc ©¢ẩy việc tạo dựng thanh phố nong trại sinh thai ¡°Eco Farm City¡± ©¢ầu tien của Han Quốc với cổng thong tin Quốc phong
Sản xuất thực phẩm khoáng chất tự nhiên từ nông nghiệp kết hợ...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2022-11-18
[žÀ̽´] ESG food tech innovates the world: INCR.EDIBLE
The global economy, such as COVID-19, war, and environmental pollution, has fallen into a melting pot of unpredictable chaos. A product that...
°­¿µÈÆ  2022-11-18
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´ëÇ¥¸ÞÀÏ/Á¦ÈÞ±¤°í¹®ÀÇ : bridgekorea@naver.com  |  °³ÀÎÁ¤º¸°ü¸®Ã¥ÀÓÀÚ : ¹éÁ¾¿ø(bridgekorea@naver.com)  |  »ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£ : 591-87-01957
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