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[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Suseong Kids Stretching publishes a stretching guide book that gives a good stimulus for
The number of people suffering from musculoskeletal disorders is on the rise. Once associated with older people, these conditions are now co...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-07-17
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Ever Top wins English and Math at 2024 Korea Future Management Awards
Nothing but understanding principles and conceptsOpened in Siheung City in 2011, Ever Top has built reputation by sending students to top un...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2024-07-17
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Award winning Bobs Gym runs working out 24/7
Bobs Gym operates its 1,157m2 Seoul Sangbong branch and 2,975m2 Bundang branch open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is equipped with va...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2024-07-15
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Passionate, fun and differentiated music programs attract all ages in Yongin
New Grace Music Academy in Yongin City opened door in 2018. For the last 6 years, it has made a strong presence in the field for all ages wi...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2024-07-12
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Button helps small business owners promote their business!
No matter how good your product or service is, if people do not know about it you are likely to fail to sell it. Unlike larger companies, sm...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-07-12
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Flat9 Dance & Vocal Academy is here to help you make your dream come true!
The one and only!First launched in 2018 in Gangnam, Seoul, Flat9 Dance & Vocal Academy has grown rapidly through its unique training and tai...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2024-06-18
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Amitie wins Art Education at 2024 Innovation Winner
Experts say that children should pay attention to art in order to develop broader thinking skills and brains. Art develops creativity and im...
±èÁö¿ø ±âÀÚ  2024-06-18
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Miju wins Elementary Education at 2024 Innovation Winner
Nestled in Busan, Miju Hagwon (a for-profit private educational school) has improved academic performance of students in Korean, English, ma...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2024-06-18
[°Ç°­] APS of Wellness Company Olive leads experiential health solution!
Out of the world£ªs 8.1 billion people, approximately 12%, or around 1 billion people, are smokers. The World Health Organization (WHO) has d...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2024-06-14
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Experience ¡®National Academy of Sports Medicine¡¯ customized training with the best equipment and facilities!
Nestled near Seoul National University Station, Hegemony Gym offers gym-goers National Academy of Sports Medicine customized training with t...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-06-14
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] The Korean Hagwon follows each student closely to help them achieve the best result in Korean!
If you do not have problems reading and writing Korean at a young age, you often do not pay much attention to it anymore. But compared to ot...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-06-14
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] ð¯2ó­ISO/IEC 17024国际资Ì«认证教ëÀà÷Íí 扩ÓÞîïϹ教ëÀÞÀ业îÜBichaena学êÂ(Bichaena Academy)
ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚ  2024-06-06
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Surrounded by beautiful nature, Gapyeong Fermata is a perfect place to sit back and relax
50km apart from Seoul, Gapyeong is one of the most visited resting places around the capital. Lakes, valleys, forests, rivers, mountains and...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-05-30
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Demand for studios is increasing from single-person households and Shin SR rolls up sleeves
34.5% are living alone as of 2022 in South Korea. The industry predicts the percentage will go over 40% by 2050. Increasing number of single...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-05-28
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Onvit Aesthetics¡¯ breath fitness helps us re-balance our body and calm our mind
Breath fitness in GwangjuOnvit Aesthetics is located in Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju. Director Seunghee Yang is the Korea Breath Fitness Ass...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-05-28
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Breath fitness makes our body and mind heathy
Human life expectancy has increased and we¡¯ve reached the age of centenarians. However, this increase in longevity does not mean that all di...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-05-28
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Seep In Aesthetics corrects your body and easese your mind with breath fitness
Breath fitness shop in BusanLocated in Myeongji-dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan, Seep In Aesthetics is a breath fitness shop that uses breathing as ...
°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  2024-05-28
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] ¡°Children who reads are content.¡± says Hojin Choi, Director of Choi Ho Jin Reading & Writing School
Entering a better university is what students in South Korea must aim at. Rather than creative thinking, they are trained to prepare exams, ...
¹éÁ¤ÁØ ±âÀÚ  2024-05-28
[¶óÀÌÇÁ] Seahorse House is a leader in modular housing. A lightweight modular timber house that captures the best of American wood construction.
Seahorse House has been building nothing but modular houses for 16 years.A prefabricated house is a method of inserting panels into a lightw...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2024-04-29
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Godin Lab¡¯s LCD pen tablet monitor opens up the smart classroom of the future!
It is likely that students in this time of digital age no longer study on paper and carry heavy backpacks. Instead of dozens of books, they ...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2024-04-29
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