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[¾ÆÆ®] ¡°Black pine is my life and my work of art¡±
Black pine grows by the seaside thus called sea pine sometimes. And artist Park Hyang-su draws only this spindle tree. Park knew nothing abo...
ÀÌÁöÇö ±âÀÚ  2021-04-20
[¾ÆÆ®] Park is the fourth Korean artist who sells his works on ebay
Artist Park Su-bok has been invited by Russian government to hold an exhibition on the occasion of launching 'global ebay' at an int...
ÇÑÁ¤Âù ±âÀÚ  2021-03-22
[¾ÆÆ®] ¡°The essence of art is ¡®Ullim¡¯ itself¡¦ I want to experience more ¡®Ullim¡¯ in the future.¡±
In the past, many people used to say that in 60 years of life, the life after that was given as a bonus. But now it is different. 'Bekse...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2021-02-25
[¾ÆÆ®] ¡°It is the duty of art to make everyone enjoy beauty¡±
Sculpture is an art genre that uses three-dimensional space to create a three-dimensional shape. Unlike paintings that express shapes on a p...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2021-02-24
[¾ÆÆ®] ¡°Working and trying, that is the fulfillment of life¡± Lim Cheon Choi Seung-woo, writer Inhwa Moon
Mun Inhwa is a word that refers to paintings drawn as a hobby by scholars and grandfathers who do not use painting as a profession, and was ...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2021-02-23
[¾ÆÆ®] Seogak artist Sung Ki-tae adds beautify of life today to beauty of life in the past
Seogak (wood carving) is one of the traditional Korean arts practiced from long time ago. A seogak artist carves letters and images onto a w...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2021-02-23
[¾ÆÆ®] Artist of flowers, big-billed birds and oasis in vivid colors
Artist Kang Ra-hee likes to use collage with materials gained from nature. Flowers and big-billed birds in vivid colors are two of her main ...
È«±âÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2021-02-23
[¾ÆÆ®] Kimchi artist Song Bo-yung carries on her love of kimchi onto canvas
Artist Song Bo-yung is famous for his theme on kimchi, a staple in Korean cuisine. She happened to visit a kimchi museum one day and saw lac...
ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚ  2021-02-16
[¾ÆÆ®] "The act of art is making something by burning everything inside me"
Im Gyeong-sook is an artist, a performer and a poet. She covers from picture and engraving to costume, ceramics and performance art. "The ac...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2021-01-21
[¾ÆÆ®] Rice straw craft is melted with everyday life of our ancestors
Rice straws are stems left after threshing. People in the past used rice straws to make various things such as shoes, hats, baskets and rain...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2021-01-19
[¾ÆÆ®] Rice straw craft is melted with everyday life of our ancestors
Rice straws are stems left after threshing. People in the past used rice straws to make various things such as shoes, hats, baskets and rain...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2021-01-19
[¾ÆÆ®] Beauty of ink, lines and colors of Korean painting keeps artist Moon at her creative zeal
Korean painting is often quoted as art of ink, of black and white, and of space. Material-wise, ink undoubtedly is most commonly used in alm...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2020-12-22
[¾ÆÆ®] Why human beings do art?
A record tells us that human beings started art 35,000 years ago when they drew animals on the walls of Altamiara Cave. Many scholars and ar...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2020-12-22
[¾ÆÆ®] "There is resonance between ink and the touch of the brush"
Kim's works are intimate expressions of time. She records state of her mind according to the changing of time through the four gracious ...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2020-12-22
[¾ÆÆ®] "Being or not being on the earth, I want to give all things my warm comradeship"
I paint both animate and inanimate objects that repeat piling up and worn out. I apply paint layer upon layer and I sometimes remove them ag...
È«±âÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2020-12-22
[¾ÆÆ®] "Images from lights are the driving force of my life as an artist"
The colors of the lights spreading gently is similar to the air flowing. It is as if the artist is showing how she reflects the story of the...
È«±âÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2020-12-21
[¾ÆÆ®] "As a fluid artist, I gain by flowing and drooling"
Fluid art is the process of pouring paints onto a canvas to create unique pieces of artwork. Thanks to its relatively easy application, the ...
ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚ  2020-12-17
[¾ÆÆ®] Following the inspiration, creation and breaths of ancestors
Literati painting is an art genre practiced by scholars during the Joseon dynasty era. Because they were scholars, not fulltime artists, the...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2020-11-25
[¾ÆÆ®] ¡°Pressed flower art is nature¡¯s beauty melted with human effort¡±
Flowers are beautiful existences on earth. One might have to travel far and wide to find people who do not cherish flowers. Flowers make peo...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2020-11-24
[¾ÆÆ®] "Folk painting lets yourself lose worldly thoughts and desires"
Folk painting covers all forms of visual art made in the context of folk culture. Lotus flowers probably were the most commonly used objects...
È«±âÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2020-11-23
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