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[¾ÆÆ®] 50 years of single path as a traditional Korean windows and doors master craftsman
Traditional Korean windows and doors are not only about windows and doors but philosophy of how our ancestors saw things. Unlike neighboring...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2020-05-29
[¾ÆÆ®] Modernized Korean zither makes harmony with world instruments
By some chance I might hurt youI embrace you and pluck carefully the stringsAffection resides each trembling fingerWailing is the zither wit...
È«±âÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2020-04-22
[¾ÆÆ®] Traveling the universe on a canvas of ¡®trans-human¡¯ and ¡®neo-nomad¡¯ illuminates Junggeun An
An abstract photograph is not an opposite of a realism photograph. It is a photographic image that speaks a language over realism. Talking o...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2020-03-19
[¾ÆÆ®] Kim Ju-yeon¡¯s never ending passion in spreading the beauty of traditional calligraphy and seogak art
CalligraphySeogak is a traditional Korean art form that a caver carves letters and images on a wooden log. Historically, seogak has been clo...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2020-03-10
[¾ÆÆ®] Living another life in a life Confronting the world with rice paper and seogak
An art work sheds a light after contemplation of the things the artist tries to deliver to the world. Calligraphy and seogak (wood carving) ...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2020-02-24
[¾ÆÆ®] Delivering season¡¯s change onto canvas
One of the reasons people visit art galleries is because they want to have a time for rest and healing. And this might also be one of the re...
ÀÌÁöÇö ±âÀÚ  2020-01-20
[¾ÆÆ®] ¡°I follow where my brush takes me and I like things as they are¡±
Artist Sujin Lee is a lover of nature. In her earlier career, she focused on traditional landscape but gradually omitted, or blurred, the pe...
È«±âÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2019-12-24
[¾ÆÆ®] ¡°It is not I who draw but the picture¡±
Why artist give titles to their works? It might be because they know the message they want to deliver through the works. Some artists, howev...
È«±âÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2019-12-19
[¾ÆÆ®] A man with versatility and good heart delivers a message of love, hope and sharing
By Youngchul LeeUps and downs are our life.It once was a harsh desertAll lives were witheredEven with a dewdropThe world could have been cha...
õ¼­¿µ ±âÀÚ  2019-11-27
[¾ÆÆ®] Master of Dharma drawings delivers a message of hope to people
Monk Bupyong has devoted his life to helping people in need for a long time. At the same time, he has drawn Bodhidharma to express dark side...
õ¼­¿µ ±âÀÚ  2019-11-25
[¾ÆÆ®] Following the breath of tree and provision of nature ¡°Seogak is like the second phase of my life¡±
Seogak is an art to carve letters and images onto wood board. The art is known to be started with the oldest woodblock printing in the 8th ...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2019-11-21
[¾ÆÆ®] Introducing new concept character design SIAEAN
Hyunchae Jeong, CEO of Ovia Art, is engaged in various artistic and cultural activities from event and exhibition planning and organizing to...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2019-10-30
[¾ÆÆ®] ¡®Trans-human¡¯ and ¡®neo-nomad¡¯ artist Okran Ki sends hopeful message of ¡®reconciliation¡¯ and ¡®communication¡¯
So called ¡®neoanthropinae (new generation)¡¯ has started nomadic life in new spaces and times. Also known as ¡®trans-human¡¯ are in search of o...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2019-10-30
[¾ÆÆ®] Finding vulnerable man with strong will in magnificent nature
¡°The individual interpretation of people about my works is very important because what they feel is what they get and I think this subjectiv...
õ¼­¿µ ±âÀÚ  2019-10-28
[¾ÆÆ®] Apples in the air creates a new level of space sense
Watching his apple paintings, you are almost likely to confuse the artificial apples with real apples. Artist Byeongrak Yoon is most famous ...
õ¼­¿µ ±âÀÚ  2019-10-23
[¾ÆÆ®] 40 years of single path as a folk painting artist Pioneering a communicative world of living art
Artist Joungok Lee¡¯s exhibition titled ¡®Happy Wind, Folk Painting Wind - Fan¡¯ is being held at the FOSCO Gallery in Pohang City until 30th S...
È«±âÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2019-09-24
[¾ÆÆ®] Spreading the feminine delicacy and beauty of seogak art
Synthetic art is an artistic act of creation through combination of various artistic elements. Some people include the play and the film in ...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2019-09-23
[¾ÆÆ®] Spreading the charm of Korean literary paintings
Literary paintings are ink paintings containing a poem in calligraphy. This art style was widely used among scholars and nobles during the J...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2019-08-29
[¾ÆÆ®] The calligraphy that spreads power of smile
Unlike in the past where calligraphy was an exclusive property of scholars and nobles, it is widely spreading and practiced today not necess...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2019-08-28
[¾ÆÆ®] Sculptor Yoon Soon-won tells about his art world and non-duality of things
Sculpture distances itself from painting with three dimensional executions of objects by using wood, stone and metal, etc. There are many wa...
¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  2019-08-27
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