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[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Suseong Kids Stretching publishes a stretching guide book that gives a good stimulus for [»õâ] °­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ 2024-07-17
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Ever Top wins English and Math at 2024 Korea Future Management Awards [»õâ] °­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ 2024-07-17
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Passionate, fun and differentiated music programs attract all ages in Yongin [»õâ] °­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ 2024-07-12
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Amitie wins Art Education at 2024 Innovation Winner [»õâ] ±èÁö¿ø ±âÀÚ 2024-06-18
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Miju wins Elementary Education at 2024 Innovation Winner [»õâ] °­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ 2024-06-18
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] The Korean Hagwon follows each student closely to help them achieve the best result in Korean! [»õâ] °­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ 2024-06-14
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] ð¯2ó­ISO/IEC 17024国际资Ì«认证教ëÀà÷Íí 扩ÓÞîïϹ教ëÀÞÀ业îÜBichaena学êÂ(Bichaena Academy) [»õâ] ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚ 2024-06-06
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] ¡°Children who reads are content.¡± says Hojin Choi, Director of Choi Ho Jin Reading & Writing School [»õâ] ¹éÁ¤ÁØ ±âÀÚ 2024-05-28
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Godin Lab¡¯s LCD pen tablet monitor opens up the smart classroom of the future! [»õâ] ½Åż· ±âÀÚ 2024-04-29
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Hakwonsin is preparing a nationwide service for the hakwon information comparison platform that helps you find the right hakwon for you and even provides entrance exam information! [»õâ] ¹éÁ¤ÁØ ±âÀÚ 2024-04-24
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Winner of the 2024 Korea Value Management Awards in the ¡®Education¡¯ category, The 3rd Class cultivates talents through reading! [»õâ] °­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ 2024-04-24
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] English school ¡®Wonder Crown¡¯ is to bridge the gap in English education between local and metropolitan areas [»õâ] °­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ 2024-04-22
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Bichaena学꣬ISO国际教ëÀñéãýîïϹ教ëÀÞÀ业启动£¡ [»õâ] ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚ 2024-04-04
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Net Zero School encourages students to take part in Carbon Neutrality 2050 [»õâ] ½Åż· ±âÀÚ 2024-03-22
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] JS English wins English Language School at 2024 Korea Education Industrial Awards [»õâ] °­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ 2024-03-22
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] EZMAKER and EZ¡¤ON are innovative digital literacy training tools [»õâ] ½Åż· ±âÀÚ 2024-03-21
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Learn manners and build social skills with Web Kids Golf English! [»õâ] ½Åż· ±âÀÚ 2024-03-21
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Oh Dae Kyo CSAT Lab wins Korea Education Industrial Awards for 7 consecutive years! [»õâ] °­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ 2024-02-22
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Korea Association of Private Tutoring Study suggests a direction Korean private education should take [»õâ] Â÷½Âȯ ±âÀÚ 2024-02-22
[¿¡µàÄÉÀ̼Ç] Promise Edu wins 2024 Korea Education Industrial Awards [»õâ] °­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ 2024-02-22
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