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[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Commentated opera opens a new era of enjoying a classical performance: Gyeonggi Opera Company
(PowerKorea) Gyeonggi Opera Company (director Hellen Kim) held an opera with commentary for audience to understand and engage better at the ...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2021-06-21
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] EasyEdu¡¯s Together and Alarmi make educational administration on the go
(PowerKorea) Some say the pandemic is accelerating the already spreading non-contract administration and trade rather than it created. They ...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2021-06-18
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Seoul Metropolitan Council member Hwang In-gu endeavors to activate exchanges between South and North
(PowerKorea) PowerKorea sat down with Seoul Metropolitan Council member Hwang In-gu who is working hard to activate exchanges between South ...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2021-06-18
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Radar market is valued at USD 32.56 billion as of 2019 and South Korean radar sensor technology company IUPLUS moves fast to take the lead in the nation
(PowerKorea) Radar is a detection system that uses radio waves to determine the distance, angle or velocity of objects. It used to be used f...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2021-06-16
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] HANDO HOLDINGS, KPIW channels K-Quarantine goods and equipment to the world
(PowerKorea) The approximate number of the infected has surpassed 170 million since the breakout of COVID-19. The vaccination is being proce...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2021-06-16
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Bước khởi ©¢ầu của Cong ty TNHH Nara Bio Modussak trong tham nhập thị trường toan cầu Cong ty TNHH Nara Bio, Ky kết thỏa thuậ
Tổ chức lễ xuất khẩu lô hàng container 40 feet khoảng 16,5 tấn ©¢ầu tiên s...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2021-06-15
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Nara Bio paves way to export $500,000 worth fertilizers to Vietnam
(PowerKorea) A South Korean agricultural bio technology company Nara Bio has signed a $500,000 deal of exporting 8,400 bottles (1kg each) of...
°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  2021-06-15
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Good seeds are foundation for farmers to grow quality crops: Gwangil Seeding
(PowerKorea) Securing good seeds can sometimes decide success or failure of a farmer. The seeding industry in South Korea has seen a steady ...
±èÅÂÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Garlic is one of the top ten healthy foods: Baekse Help Farm
(PowerKorea) The Times USA designated garlic as one of the top ten health foods. In the Korean Dangun myth, the bear ate only garlic and wor...
±èÅÂÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Haman Farmer¡¯s Cooperative sets an example of sharing economy in farming industry
(PowerKorea) With fast spreading sharing economy in South Korea, farmers and consumers are also moving fast with mutual interest in producti...
±èÅÂÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Haman bulbbang and Arahongsi spread unique patterns of ancient kingdom: Aragaya Cooperative
(PowerKorea) Haman County was one of the 6 kingdoms of Gaya. It was called Aragaya. People in Aragaya were makers of earthenware and ironwar...
±èÅÂÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Odor-killer kills bad smell around the livestock farms: SG Bio
(PowerKorea) Commercial livestock farms have had an issue of bad smell around the areas. It not only damages health of the cattle and the fa...
±èÅÂÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Introducing eco-friendly, colored and sweeter watermelon you can eat throughout the year: Gwangil Farming Corporative
(PowerKorea) Farmers in Haman County started to grow watermelon in greenhouses from the 60s. Today, the county has become the chief producin...
±èÅÂÀÎ ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Maintenance of building is directly linked with safety accident: Kukto Facility
(PowerKorea) Leaking in the house can cause mold and affects to our health badly. Experts point out 4 of most common causes of leaking: wate...
¾ç½ÂÈ£  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Well-dying is as important as well-living: Korea Funeral Welfare Association
(PowerKorea) Aged over 64 has reached to 14% of the whole population in South Korea. Experts predict that the percentage will go up to 20% b...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Wear Zling, dance to the movement of the artist and get your score: Kinetic Lab
(PowerKorea) Artificial intelligence probably was one of the hottest words appeared on the media alongside the pandemic last year. Without u...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Spreading charm of traditional Korean music far and wide: Pungryu
(PowerKorea) Back in the days, Korean musicians gathered together at a salon called ¡®pungryu bang¡¯. ¡®Pungryu¡¯ means appreciation for the art...
¾ç½ÂÈ£  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Patio lets you to set up your dream camping car in about 60 seconds: TNC-Korea
(PowerKorea) One thing the pandemic has turned the way people enjoy leisure time in South Korea is camping and chabak (stay overnight in a c...
½Åż· ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] 3X-Fire is light, effective and easy to use even for children and elderlies: Newperfect CEO Lee Nam-su
(PowerKorea) Most fire extinguishers on the market are heavy and not easy to use especially for children and elderlies because they have to ...
ÇÑÁ¤Âù ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
[Ä¿¹ö½ºÅ丮] Debbie Meyer wins Korea Value Management Award two years in a row
(PowerKorea) Debbie Meyer GreenBags and GreenBoxes are creating a sensation in South Korea as in the world. Over 50,000 people have repurcha...
°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚ  2021-05-28
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