In an age of conflict and confrontation, why should we be driven to the sea?

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There are two training methods for us living today: First, climb up the mountain and shout “hurray”. Shake off things as you climb and you will be the only one left on top. Try to connect with the sky. Second, climb down the mountain. The water up there flows down to the valleys to the streams to the rivers and to the oceans. Likewise, you train yourself do this in mind. Embrace others but do not lecture this and that. In Korea, many people seem to be driven by being the best. Like the sea, we should harmonize and filters the conflicts for good. We should walk together. We cannot live a lone. We can bare pain but not loneliness. Therefore, train together. There is resonance in everything.

We a man meets a woman and feel something, there is a resonance which leads to a power of attraction. Attraction has possibilities but pushing away has none of these. Climbing the top of the mountain is pushing away others and being alone. Next to come is leaning. Without this, nothing will happen. With this, we can be healthier and happier. Leaning in another word is concentration. Deepen your concentration becomes immersion. Nothing will be achieved without immersion. Like we cannot achieve anything without being crazy about something. So go crazy. Do not be satisfied to where you are drawn to. Lean, concentrate and be immersed. 


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