Introducing Gravity Caddy, a gravity_powered golf ball feeder!

½Åż· ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2024.04.29l¼öÁ¤2024.04.29 13:49







South Korea has about 5.64 million golfers, more than Japan, and green fees are three times higher than in Japan. The Korean golf market is expected to reach KRW 8 trillion by 2023, and golf is becoming increasingly popular. In addition to going to the driving range, more and more people are buying golf equipment.


Introducing Gravity Caddy, a gravity_powered golf ball feeder!

Wagolf is the creator of Gravity Caddy, a non-motorized, automatic golf ball feeder. One of the most important aspects of golf is the swing, and it is important to practice over and over again to get the right form. The best way to do this is to actually hit the ball to get the feel of it, watch it fly, and make adjustments. Gravity Caddy uses the principle of a seesaw, which utilizes the difference in weight between the golf ball and the tee, so that the tee does not move due to the weight of the ball until you hit the ball. However, when you hit a shot to practice your swing and the ball disappears from the tee, the pre-loaded ball is automatically placed on the tee. This is the same system as the auto tee-ups used at large indoor and outdoor golf driving ranges, and Gravity Caddy accomplishes this without any motorized power. This means that the user only has to worry about getting the ball in the first place, and they can practice their swing without having to move it around or deal with other devices.


No hassle of traveling or worrying about breakdowns!

Patented in Korea and the US!

Gravity Caddy comes with a tee and a semi-permanent, high-quality iron mat, so all you have to do is put the two together and you’re ready to go. It doesn’t use electricity or batteries, so it’s highly portable and can be taken anywhere to practice. It also added a metal sidewalk cover to the linkbox to prevent the club head from hitting it during a swing and breaking the product. Gravity Caddy is patented in Korea and the United States. With a capacity of 120 balls, it is suitable for both individuals and driving ranges. With this performance, Gravity Caddy has been exported to the U.S., Canada, Japan, and Australia in addition to its domestic launch, and has become a favorite swing practice partner for golfers.

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