COLDFRAME is the jewelry that will never lose their shine!

Now available at Shinsegae Department Store Gangnam, 1st floor mono!! ±èÈÆ ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2024.04.23l¼öÁ¤2024.04.23 09:37







Since the dawn of civilization, humans have been fascinated by the beauty of jewelry, and even today, many designers have given it a special value that continues to fascinate people. The jewelry brand COLDFRAME focuses on the “eternity” of jewelry, designing pieces that will shine on your body forever, attracting attention with bold, unassuming, and sophisticated designs.


‘COLDFRAME’, a jewelry brand that will never lose its value!

COLDFRAME is a jewelry brand that blends vintage and modernity, drawing inspiration from Korea’s historical atmosphere, natural objects, and the human form. Started in Hannam-dong in the summer of 2014, COLDFRAME is characterized by the impressive and unique designs of its CEO designer, Haehee Park. Interested in jewelry from a young age, Park studied graphic design, but was drawn to the special value of jewelry, which led to the current business. Park says “From a young age, I was much more interested in jewelry than clothes, and there was something about the idea of jewelry being special and timeless that fascinated me.” People give each other jewelry for special occasions, especially wedding anniversaries, as a token of love. Park focuses on eternity of jewelry that never lost its light. For this reason, Park strives to create designs that people will love forever, rather than chasing fads that come and go. Jewelry that you wear once and want to keep for a lifetime is what Park strives for, and it’s the kind of jewelry that she offers in COLDFRAME.


Handcrafted by artisans!

Bold, yet not clunky designs to mesmerize people!

COLDFRAME is all about permanence, strength, softness, simplicity and delicacy. The jewelry is modern but not bland, cool but not light. The person wearing COLDFRAME will look cool and sophisticated. One of the best-selling COLDFRAME exposes the clear gemstone as it is. Park’s design is both bold and refreshing, given that we typically favor designs that wrap around gemstones rather than expose them. These bold designs began to gain attraction and are what COLDFRAME is now known for. 


Handmade and quality production system!

Opened a mono store on the 1st floor of Shinsegae Department Store Gangnam!

All of COLDFRAME’s products are made by hand. Park uses the phrase “Made in Seoul” because the products are made by artisans in Seoul. “The stones are cut by artisans, one by one. They’re so perfect that people think they’re made in a factory,” Park says. In addition to this quality, COLDFRAME now has a system in place that allows them to work with multiple factories to create large numbers of pieces, so they can ship thousands of pieces of jewelry, both handmade and overseas. COLDFRAME is currently located as a mono store on the first floor of Shinsegae Department Store Gangnam. It is the third largest department store in Seoul and the number one in sales in the country as of 2023. The jewelry brands located on the first floor include well-known names such as Stonehenge and Jestina. COLDFRAME is the only silver jewelry store that offers a wide range of choices here, and it is loved by many customers for its quality and uniqueness.

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