¡®power generation systems using electric train loads¡¯

ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2023.04.11l¼öÁ¤2023.04.11 13:07







Future industry, the biggest issue in 2023, is expected to play a more important role in continuously securing and expanding human food supply. Year after year, the future food industry is developing in various fields such as agriculture, food technology, and genetic modification, and it can be said that it is a field with high investment value.


High interest in food leads to maximum investment value

In particular, energy source automation systems that improve productivity and efficiency through the introduction of the latest technologies are undoubtedly a very promising field. This technology is one of the most interesting areas for investors because it can increase productivity and provide long-term convenience. In addition, as eco-friendly methods become more important issues, technologies and research related to them are also receiving high attention. In the future, sustainable production methods, as well as eco-friendliness in the process, are sure to become the biggest issue for investors.


Role and responsibility of the future food industry

Why is the future food industry such a major investment issue? This is because it is a very important industry that directly affects human life and health. It is clear therefore that continuous research, technological advancement, and investment are required. The future food industry is expected to continue to grow in the next few years, and profitability is also promising.


Key reasons for mentioning the future of the food industry

The reason for discussing the importance and investment value of the future food industry this time is to recommend the electric vehicle load power generation system to domestic and foreign investors. The material of the power generation system using electric vehicle loading, a patented technology developed by Doowon Gongjo System, a small and medium-sized domestic company, is surprisingly a common part around us. This means that the load of the tank that people use every day can be utilized for power generation. The principle of this technology is to fix the piston and hydraulic cylinder that produce pressure using hydraulics in the space between the sleepers under the rail, and convert the kinetic energy of the fluid generated by the load into pressure energy when the train moves and store it in the load pressure collection device. The feature of this technology is that it is stable in terms of energy productivity because it can be realized immediately by simply installing it additionally on the already installed rails, so there is no need to replace the separate rails, and the load is continuously transmitted for a certain time.


A very attractive option for investors who will be working with them at the time of commercialization

The competitiveness of a small business or startup comes from technology, but it takes many researches, experimentations, and manpower to actually develop a technology. Doowon Gongjo System, which has patiently and steadily taken these steps, is commercializing electric vehicle load power production technology for its next move. What if there was a technology that meets the ESG requirements that are often mentioned today because it does not require any materials, and that can be extended to improving national competitiveness with high efficiency and long-term planning? For investors who are worried about countless items, it will be a fresher and trend-worthy investment item. This technology is more than just a profitable investment product. It is a technology that can contribute to the long-term future industry. The improvement and development of productivity and efficiency based on the latest technology and research is expected to further promote the growth of the food industry in the future. 

ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚ  jsong_ps13@naver.com
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