Children from ordinary to extraordinary, from extraordinary to special

Primiseedu wins National Assembly Education Committee Prize at the Korea Education Industrial Awards for 3 years in a row °­¿µÈÆl½ÂÀÎ2023.03.21l¼öÁ¤2023.03.21 15:29






¡ã Primiseedu / CEO Hong Hyun-min

Balanced improvement in grammar, reading, listening, writing and speaking

Promise Language School, an affiliate of Primiseedu, has a strong presence in English education from third graders of elementary school to third graders of middle school. Unlike the problematic cramming education widely spread in the nation, Promise Language School endeavors to equip students with global mind and leadership alongside its excellent and balanced lingual improvement programs in grammar, reading, listening, writing and speaking. The essay writing in Korean helps students easily understand the concept and structure of grammar and thus express their thoughts in writing while the speaking in English online is helps them with summary speaking, stage speaking and debating. Through this, students can improve their English competency in all 5 areas in balance. 


Step by step curriculum that improves academic performance and exam results

Promise Language School runs its step by step synergy curriculum for the middle schoolers to improve their academic performance and exam results. It includes narrative writing, grammar quiz, summary outlining and summary speaking. The summary outlining in particular helps students not panic when they face difficult questions while the summary speaking helps them summarize each paragraph from the given script. 

From the classes in the elementary to the classes in the middle, Promise Language School provides optimized and personalized programs to maximize results. Mock exams are thoroughly analyzed in order to bring a target score through a customized strategy. Those who want to go private or special high schools, individual assistance is provided. 


YS Education Research Center provides teaching materials and exam strategies

CSR activities help students in need

Apart from the general curriculum, Promiseedu runs Promise Master Badge Certification to give students a motivation, texts parents their performance with pros and cons on a daily basis, and provides additional online recap programs that can be done at home. It is also worth mentioning that the CSR activities of the school help students in need and a monthly donation has been made to various charities in Yangcheong-gu and Mapo-gu Seoul, Gwangmyeong City and Myanmar. The school donated a meal box fund in 2018, 10 million won to the Solomon Local Children’s Center in 2020, and free meals to 100 households in Yangcheon-gu Seoul in 2021. Recognized for this excellent social contributions and English teaching programs, Promiseedu won National Assembly Education Committee Prize at the Korea Education Industrial Awards for 3 years in a row. 


Good private education that walks alongside public education

The Korea Association of Private Tutoring Study takes the lead

Promiseedu CEO Hong Hyun-min is devoting part of his hard work in promoting good private education. When it comes to the word ‘private’, most parents feel burdened about the tuition fee. Knowing this very well, Hong has never raised the fee since opening the business except just a little at one time only. 

In line with this good intention, Hong has served Vice President of the Korea Association of Private Tutoring Study for 3 years. The association set sail in 2017 as an academic organization affiliated to Yonsei University Graduate School of Education and it studies the direction of private education in the nation. Hong says, “There are almost none of research papers about private education. Even if there are, they are mostly focusing on how to reduce the dependence. So the association set sail to focus more on the direction it must sail towards alongside public education.” It is noteworthy that Gachon University and Soongsil University currently are running related majors. CEO Hong Hyun-min says, “I and my excellent staff firmly believe that it will also be a social contribution if our students make their way in the global stage. We will keep doing our very best to give a good influence to both students and parents.” 

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