¡®Speed Floor¡¯, a new paradigm of logistics and transportation Variety and faster! Efficient and safe! Advanced logistics!

Load all cargo from commercial goods to general goods Innovative load transfer devices ½Åż· ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2022.11.18l¼öÁ¤2022.11.18 15:07






Freight transport plays a pivotal role in industrial development. Freight truck transport is a means of transportation that can realize a quick door-to-door delivery mainly transporting a small amount of goods short or long distance. Delivery trucks require different types of vehicles depending on the type and characteristics of goods. 


Speed Floor loads all cargo from commercial goods to general goods

Trucks come in a variety of sizes, from small 1-ton vehicles to 5-ton, 7-ton, and 25-ton large trucks, and the structures and types of cargo that can be loaded are different like cargo, dump, refrigeration, tower, and wing bodies. 

Speed Floor is an innovative logistics solution that can completely overcome the physical limitations of the existing truck transport system as it can load all kinds of cargo from commercial goods to general cargo. CEO Hong Hyun-jin says “The current transportation system, which has to respond to various types of cargo with individual trucks, has limitations in improving the efficiency required today. Speed Floor has maximized efficiency by applying an innovative load transfer device with the functions of the transport vehicle that are needed in relation with safety, work flexibility and carbon neutrality.” 


2-way chain makes manufacturing, installation and structural stability simple

Delivering from powdered raw materials to pallets and boxed cargoes

Speed Floor is a system that automatically horizontally moves the load and unloads it safely and conveniently. There is a drivetrain and a motor at the rear of the vehicle. The drive shaft moves the chain horizontally and it also moves the floor of the cargo compartment. The operation power comes from a battery or a hydraulic device connected to the transmission and it is driven by electricity that enables quiet and stable operation. 

Speed Floor is easy to manufacture and install by applying a 2-way chain, and structural stability is also secured. The operator can horizontally move the amount loaded on the 2-way chain through the remote control, allowing easy and convenient loading and unloading of cargo. The 2-way chain can easily load and unload all kinds of cargo from powder such as sand to construction materials, boxes, pallets, etc. without limitation. The existing truck transport system can only load one type of cargo, and in the case of a construction site, it was necessary to return to the empty truck after transporting the material. On the other hand, Speed Floor returns with various kinds of luggage such as pallets and boxes. 


Ensure safety of workers

Efficient loading and unloading

Another great advantage of Speed Floor is that it can safely and quickly load and unload. Dump trucks have a very high safety accident rate and most of them lead to major accidents. However, there is no need to worry about a dump vehicle with Speed Floor. This is because it can unload the load through horizontal movement of the cargo compartment floor instead of dumping. In addition, even when equipment such as a forklift is required for disembarking, the vehicle can be unloaded from the rear rather than the side, so that cargo can be unloaded quickly and safely even in a small space. The safety mechanism of Speed Floor not only applies to dump truck drivers but also to truck deliverers in general. 


Multi-functionality for all types of cargo and sites

Speed Floor is a stable and fast system to work with. It can be applied to all transportation fields, such as construction and civil engineering sites, distribution and logistics, and shipment of manufacturers’ products, and can be implemented in any type of vehicle, from small trucks to large trucks. Therefore, it can be applied to all transportation fields such as construction and civil engineering sites, distribution and logistics, and shipment of products from manufacturers.


¡ã Speed Floor / CEO Hong Hyun-jin

Complete innovation in hardware

Logistics is a workforce-oriented industry. Although logistics has succeeded in digital transformation to some extent, it has not yet escaped from the framework of manpower-intensive industrial behavior. In the midst of this, Speed Floor is creating a new paradigm for industrial systems through complete innovation of hardware. This is because change cannot be achieved without hardware innovation of freight vehicles. CEO Hong felt the need for a smart logistics system and developed a smart floor system after conducting research for about 6 years with a German special vehicle engineer. CEO Hong obtained the patent No. 10-2314141 for the load discharge device of the vehicle loading box, the patent No. 10-2314145 for the chain-based loading box bottom shuttle structure, and the patent No. 10-2314132 for the bulkhead structure of the vehicle loading box. Hong introduced products through domestic exhibitions such as KOREA MAT in June and SCM FAIR 2022 in October. In recognition of such high innovativeness, Speed Floor was certified as an innovative growth type venture company. Hong says “We are looking for cooperative partners related to transportation and logistics. We are also conducting research and development that can produce products at a lower cost through our own technology development and product advancement. In addition to the smart floor, we will build an advanced smart logistics system through research and development of various products.“

½Åż· ±âÀÚ  tss79@naver.com
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