Feeling bitter failing to make a just right steamed eggs all the time? From now on, you are an expert as long as you have Kaeran-Chim Cook meal kit made by Seohae Global

½Åż· ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2022.08.18l¼öÁ¤2022.08.18 13:08







A Korean eats average 260 eggs a year. It is 0.7 egg a day. The number goes up when we look at the charts in Japan and even more in the US. Egg undoubtedly is one of the most frequently eaten or added foods on earth. 


French loves to make it into souffle, Portuguese into egg tart, Japanese into tamagoyaki and Americans into egg sandwich. Koreans? Many will agree it is ‘kaeran-chim’ - steamed eggs. 


One biggest challenge to make a just right kaeran-chim is how much salted shrimp should be added. Many fail to make it just right because it requires experience. However, a South Korean salted shrimp maker Seohae Global recently has remedied these failures of many inexperienced chefs and home cookers. And the solution is Kaeran-Chim Cook meal kit.


Kaeran-Chim Cook meal kit

Whether you are an inexperienced chef or an amateur cook who are second to none when it comes to the love of ‘kaeran-chim’, Kaeran-Chim Cook meal kit will make you an expert on this. This meal kit gives the same ‘just right taste’ wherever, whenever and whoever the cook is because the ultimate ratio of salted shrimp are loaded in each package. 


“The salted shrimp in each Kaeran-Chim Cook meal kit is perfectly fermented and dissolved to give even taste on the bottom, in the middle and the top which has been the most difficult challenge before the era of Kaeran-Chim Cook.” says Seohae Global CEO Yeonkil Jeon. 

All you need to do is this: mix two eggs and water on 1:1 ratio, unpack the meal kit to add. Done. Boil 2 and half minutes, or 5 minutes if it is the cold water. A meal kit comes with an inside-stick source and a spring onion and onion soup. Though made by a Korean company, the meal kit is selling more in neighboring Japan where people consume far more eggs daily than in South Korea.

Proud to be one of the top salted shrimp makers in the nation, Seohae Global’s using only the deep water under 510 meters below the sea of the east is one of the secrets to bring that balanced taste. This deep water is rich in nutrients and high minerals and is clean and ideal for ripening. Thanks to these advantages, Kaeran-Chim Cook gives a tender and clean taste. 


All salted shrimp products are strictly made and managed through HACCP and automated production lines. The foreign body detector developed by the CEO Jeon spots and picks even a grain of sand size substance. The iron substances are also detected and removed by using magnetic rods and metal detectors. Then the UV rays lamps kill harmful bacteria before the products going into packaging.


Seohae Global products are sold at around 5,000 retail stores nationwide including emart and major online shopping malls. Having enjoyed a steady flow of orders from Japan, the company is now eyeing on US and European markets. 


Eggs contain HDL (High Density Lopoprotein) which is good for our body. A preventive medicine team of Seoul National University published a paper that they observed people who eat more than one egg a day are 23% less likely to get metabolic syndrome than people who eat less than one egg a day. <PowerKorea>

½Åż· ±âÀÚ  tss79@naver.com
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