meVer helps you build real world-like offices and stores for you to make trade in metaverse

½Åż· ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2022.08.17l¼öÁ¤2022.08.17 13:12







Metaverse is spreading fast to games, shopping and communications. Companies are also moving fast to open and run their stores in a metaverse to secure advantageous positions and to attract potential consumers. However, many metaverse platforms and spaces are still mainly used by children and youth and the trade where people sell and buy goods are not yet visibly happening. Observing the stagnant water in the metaverse market with a questioning eye, Sangmin Lee pushed forward his ways of stimulating this newly rising business platform by introducing ‘meVer’. 

Consisted of kiosks and mobile contents, meVer helps sellers and consumers actually make a trade. “Imagine if you are running a club in a metaverse. You have to build a club, hire DJs and provide entertainment. meVer is a tool to help you make this happen. It helps you build a spaces and characters you want, run and control your business and sell your goods to limitless consumers. At a cost of monthly 200,000 won ($154 USD), you can have all of this including a link to servers and webs.” explains Lee.

¡ã meVer / CEO Sangmin Lee

Expert teams at meVer build real world-like contents and parcel out the spaces to entrepreneurs, investors and celebrities. Running a business in a metaverse requires multiple rooms and the expert teams build these rooms according to their functions. For example, you can open your office and do business like you do in the real world. The expert teams of meVer find ideal places of your business where the same type of business are reasonably distant from your office and stores. 

“You can run your business in a space of 1% for 100,000 consumers. We limit the same type of business up to 3 in a specified area and spread many types of business here and there so that consumers walk by a variety of stores and offices. Thanks to this real world-like space building and organization, meVer spaces were sold out within 3.6 seconds at an parcelling out event held at Gangnam World last month.” says Lee.

meVer invites celebrities to inflow their followers to the space. Alongside, it has made profit models into modules to keep holding the consumers of interest in certain goods and services. For example, if a consumer put a TV in his space and clicks a certain button, it leads to URL so that he can watch a certain TV or Youtube channel. The exposed goods and contents are then led to profits and split. In other words, consumers also can generate profits through the actions of consuming. 

meVer plans to expand its services to New York, Paris and London. The company recently has drawn a cooperation deal worth 1 trillion won ($770 million USD) with big companies in the nation according to an official. meVer is set to launch at the CES 2023 and CEO Lee targets $10 billion USD worth sales in the coming years. <PowerKorea>

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