Why pay more? Buy up to 80% cheaper HACCP certified non-antibiotic eggs at Good Eggs Discount Store

½Åż· ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2022.06.27l¼öÁ¤2022.06.27 11:27







One thing the pandemic has changed the way stores do business is manless. It is not difficult to see a manless laundry, stationary, ice cream or meal kit store on the street in our village and the trend seems to keep its way. Recently joining the trend is the manless Good Eggs Discount Store that is spreading fast nationwide since its opening in Gimhae City.

Egg undoubtedly is one of the most frequently appearing food on our dinning table not to mention it is one of the core ingredients of many cuisines. Egg is rich in vitamin, minerals and many other nutrients and for this reason it is called a complete food. South Korea is the 8th egg producer in the world and a Korean eats average 268 eggs a year. 

Some worry about high cholesterol in the egg but a preventive medicine team at Seoul National University research shows that adults who eat more than one egg a day are 23% less likely to catch metabolic syndrome than adults who eat less than one egg a week. The only drawback now seems to be rocket soaring egg price from the inflation and the war. A tray of eggs cost us 9,000 won (7 USD) at the moment.

Because it is manless, Good Eggs Discount Store runs 24/7 and the HACCP certified non-antibiotic eggs are sold up to 80% cheaper or 30% at the least than large marts. Like it is egg only store, you can find almost all kinds of first grade eggs that are directly supplied from strictly chosen egg farms. 

All eggs are straightforwardly unloaded from the cooler-installed truck to the 15°C fridge in the store and kept no longer than 2 days. Because it is manless, each store owner can check the business on CCTV of the store in real time alongside the convenient text-based order and receive. The operation network covers nationwide so the respond and action are promptly made. 

Including 9 fridges but excluding kiosk and CCTV, the initial capital to open a store is $11,279. Take the flagship store in Gimhae for example, the rent is $1,166 and the break-even point is $6,998 a month. The store had $12,441 sales in the first month of opening. 

Like many other store businesses, location is the key. Good Eggs Discount Store CEO Subok Kim says that the quality and price are guaranteed so the location will play a decisive role. 

Kim has worked in distribution industry for 30 years and is received as an expert in store location analysis. He made a great success with ice cream store several years ago and the knowhow and experience are melted wholly in this manless egg store franchise business. He targets to open around 500 stores and until then he promised to himself not to pursue his own margin but for franchisees. <PowerKorea> 

½Åż· ±âÀÚ  tss79@naver.com
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