Stretch to grow, Stretch to be flexible: Sueong Kids Stretching

°­¿µÈÆl½ÂÀÎ2022.06.24l¼öÁ¤2022.06.24 13:10







What kind of parents would not wish their children grew tall? In South Korea, parents seem to at least take one measure that can help their children grow tall including medicine. 

It is worrying however that, according to a pediatric endocrinology professor, taking medicine that promotes growth can rather speed up the bone age and affect stop of growth in earlier age than average. 

What are good ways to help children grow then? Many experts point out balanced diet, reasonable amount of exercise and correct posture when standing and seating. Scoliosis especially is one of the main causes to stop children from growing. 

One of the best ways to avoid scoliosis is the stretching that strengthens muscles around the waist. In fact, experts say, stretching is not only good for children to grow but for adults to keep spine health. A question arises at this point: how to stretch? 

Suseong Kids Stretching in Jung-dong, Daegu, runs stretching programs for children to grow better. Director Eunjeong Ko advises that children showing symptoms of imbalance in the body need to find the cause and make the twisted musculoskeletal system right. 

The 40 minute class specifically designed for children is a whole body stretching program that stimulates the growth plate, improves fundamentals and immunity, and removes stress. As for the adults, the programs focus on overall muscle strength as they have done growing. 

The tools used at Suseong Kids Stretching are rhythmic gymnastics, stretchers and Baro Spine. Baro Spine was developed based on spine-corrector and it gives greater focus on efficiency, safety and convenience. None-slip pads also are constantly used to prevent possible slips. 

Ko majored in physical education and completed stretching and rhythm gymnastics instructor’s courses. She has extensive knowledge and training experience for all age groups that goes well over 9 years and this of her experience is melted in her private, small and large group sessions. 

As its effectiveness is spreading fast mouth to mouth, Ko has recently took over the first floor of the building to be used alongside the second floor head studio. <PowerKorea>

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