High energy bill but not as warm as that much high? CTCM's ultra power saving heat mats will save you energy bill as well as maintenance!

½Åż· ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2022.05.24l¼öÁ¤2022.05.24 16:43






The breakdown of the nation's energy dependency in 2020 is as follows: oil 31.2%, coal 27.2%, natural gas 24.7%, water power 6.9%, solar and wind 5.7% and nuclear 4.3%. What this figure tells us is that we are still far from the use of eco-friendly energy. Industrial aside, South Korea has long been using floor heating from the boilers powered by oil and gas. In the point of efficiency, experts rather doubt whether the system keeps the house warm as much as we pay the bill.

Jimin Lee, CEO of CTCM, observed this inefficiency of the heating system with keen eye and found solutions in laying out 'heat mats' on the floor instead. In fact, similar heat mats such as electric panels are already on the market. But Lee found out that many of them only heat up the floor without making the room warm. This is because the warm air stays on the ceiling while the cold air keeps on the lower part. This phenomenon is explained that the room lacks radiant heat while convective heat sufficient.


Ultra Power Saving Heat Mats

The ultra power saving heat mats developed by CTCM boast high level of radiant heat. What is more? They release far-infrared radiation and anion alongside.

CTCM Director Hwangap Park explains "The ultra power saving heat mats work efficiently without the limitation of height of a room. They perform as satisfying as we have a warm shelter in winter even in a room with 15 meter high ceiling without a heater. While the heat mats warm up the whole space evenly, they also contribute to saving energy bill."

If the existing floor heating is not installable on the floor made of marble and other stone materials, the ultra power saving heat mats can be installed on almost all floor materials even including carpets.


Semi-permanent Use

The heat mats are easy to install and erosion and freeze bust-free. If the existing electric or hot water piping systems use parallel circuit and continuous supply of power to prevent freeze bust, the heat mats are designed with PVC that supplies the power only when necessary.

If the existing system often requires a whole level check up and repair even by one part broken, the heat mats, once installed, are used semi-permanently. In other words, they save you an arm and a leg for the repair. The heat mats installed in the Bank of Korea and the National Police Agency 20 years ago, for example, never have been called for repair.


Energy Saving

Tests show that the heat mats save energy bill by around 60% but the fuel expenses up to 300% compared to gas and hot water boilers. A test carried out by the Korea Far Infrared Association show that the heat mats' far-infrared radiation emissivity is as much as 90.6%. It is notable that the emissivity of far-infrared radiation of gem stone mats and red clay is around 80%. The test also shows that the heat mats generate 216 ION/cc anion while preventing generation of electromagnetic conduction, electromagnetic interference power, electric field and magnetic field.


Where Are These Innovative Heat Mats Installed?

The ultra power saving heat mats of CTCM are installed in many buildings. To name a few: Naver new headquarters building, Samma convalescent hospital, Saemmul Hospice Mission building, The Joyful Church in Pohang, St. Augustine Monastery in Yeoncheon and Ilebon Factory Dormitory in Icheon. Meanwhile, orders are being made from many holiday homes and swimming pools. It is encouraging that 120 solar houses in Paju are to be installed with these innovative heat mats of CTCM.


Product Lineup

Apart from the ultra power saving heat mats, CTCM is making ultra power saving carbon mats with the coming soon ultra power saving snow melting. The carbon mats are designed for low ceiling rooms to save even more installation time and cost while the snow melting is designed for highways vulnerable to black ice and snow in winter. All CTCM products are installed through its affiliate Caloritech.

"This year, we are ambitious to register our heat mats to the Korean Online E-Procurement System and the Public Procurement Service alongside pioneering markets overseas" says Director Park. <PowerKorea>

½Åż· ±âÀÚ  tss79@naver.com
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