Jang Jun Ho Surgery pioneers more effective ways of treating thyroid patients

Àå¼±Èñ ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2022.04.26






¡ã Jang Jun Ho Surgery / Director Junho Jang

Number of thyroid patients are reportedly increasing in recent years. The doctors point out radiation exposure, iodine-poor, overwork and stress as some of the reasons that contribute to increasing number of thyroid patents. Common conditions of thyroid are athyria, thyroidism and thyroid tumor. Thyroid tumor in particular is commonly found in women 40s and 50s. 

It is reported that nearly half of middle aged women suffer from thyroid tumor. Luckly, most of them turn out to be benign but some unlucky patients turn out to be malignant which could lead to thyroid cancer. For this reason, it is very important for middle aged women who find or feel a symptom of thyroid to pay a visit to the doctor earliest possible for check up. 

Below are possible symptoms of thyroid: feeling of irritation, difficulty in swallowing, pain in the neck, hoarse voice and slight coughs. But many cases are also showing no symptoms so regular check-up is necessary. A tumor normally sized more than 2cm need a treatment but the doctor recommends less than 1cm also need a scrutiny as patients with less than 1cm tumor sometimes find malignant. 

Thanks to advancement of medical technology, the cutting edge radio frequency ablation procedure is applied to treat thyroid tumors. The 1mm thin needle shape magnetic pole burns the tumor with 90 to 100°C high frequency heat and it leaves no scar and the patient quickly resumes everyday life. However, the surgery requires delicate touch and application of the doctor as around the tumor are located important organs such as airway, throat, carotid artery and jugular vein. 

Nestled in Nonhyeondong, Ganggam, Seoul is Jang Jun Ho Surgery. Apart from cutting edge equipment from Philips, Director Junho Jang is received as a pioneer in the field of high frequency thyroidectomy and its treatment in South Korea. The surgery not only is specialized in thyroid but also covers adult stem cell and anti-aging, immunity, regenerative medicine, pain medicine and hair loss solutions. 

Adult stem cell procedure especially supplies our body regenerating cells and can help immunity, anti-aging, liver function and preventing hair loss. At Jang Jun Ho Surgery, MTS (Microneedle Therapy System) is applied alongside adult stem cell procedure on the skin of face. These combined treatment can reduce pores, spreads wrinkles, and vitalize skin with whitening effect according to Jang.

Adult stem cell is collected from blood and marrow for concentration and separation and it is known to be safer than the traditional stem cell culturing. Some call it 'a new medical technology' as its safety and effectiveness were proven by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. 

Jang Jun Ho Surgery offers hassle-free collection of adult stem cell alongside day visit-day treatment services. The effect can be seen differently person to person but patients with skin troubles or hair loss can see the effect after 2 to 3 months of application. Jang recommends regular treatment for better effect. 

The surgery is located 1 minute walk from exit 1 of Eonju station and free parking is also available if you are driving. <PowerKorea>

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Àå¼±Èñ ±âÀÚ  light_hee01@naver.com
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