2021 Gyeongnam Goseong Dinosaur World Expo

±èÅÂÀÎ ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2021.10.26







The 2021 Gyeongnam Goseong Dinosaur World Expo is held from October 1 to November 7 in Goseong County, South Gyeongsang Province. The 5th expo this year has equipped with cutting edge technologies such as AR, VR and 5D so that visitors can have futuristic tour experience alongside parades, performances and exhibitions. The parade of the 25 dancers from Ukraine and Russia is highly recommended to see while the performance themed on ‘finding dinosaurs’ will captivate children and promote their adventurous spirit. The cutting edge tech-applied 13 exhibitions are inviting visitors to discover footprints of these huge animals and recover their former mega bodies. Alongside, visitors can see the history of the Earth and the lives of dinosaurs through 179 fossils, 44 replicas and 17 miniatures. The dinosaur mountain in the middle of the main event area harbors 30 of real size dinosaurs and the 3 meter high trail around the area gives visitors a better viewpoint of the dinosaurs. When the sun goes down, the man-made lights shine up the area with special performances that include the world of lights. Resting areas and facilities are here and there for you to refresh and quarantine is made on a regular basis by the special quarantine teams. Vouchers are bought and used not only in the expo areas but also in restaurants and traditional markets in the county until November 30. Gyeongnam Goseong Dinosaur World Expo Organizing Committee Chairman Duheon Baek said that the expo would contribute to regional economy and the synergy it would create. (PowerKorea) 

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