Once falling in love with it, you cannot escape. This is the charm of sand drawing

°­¹ÎÁö ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2021.10.25l¼öÁ¤2021.10.25 10:48






¡ã Sand Drawing Academy / Director Eunjeong Yu

[Charm of Sand Drawing]
Eunjeong Yu, Director of Sand Drawing Academy, explains about the charm of sand drawing “You cannot help carrying on drawing once you touched the sand. You feel like you are talking with the sand and the sand is the one that leads you but not the other way round. Touch the sand when you feel sad or depressed as the feel of the sand and images you have drawn will soothe your heart. Then you feel the sand upon the light box is like your old friend and the images drawn will lead you to a different time and space. It can be your childhood and it can be your imaginary world. This is the charm of sand drawing.”

[Eungjeong Yu]
Yu came to know about sand drawing by chance when she watched performance of sand drawing masters on the media in 2010. She was impressed by the technique of the masters and touched by the art. It was a moment of enlightenment for her and she decided to walk the same path as the masters ever since. Sand drawing then was less known in South Korea and she had to go through many difficulties such as gaining tools and finding the right sand. She launched research and development of the tools and traveled many beaches to find the sand that are as smooth as silk and it alone took more than a year. Mastering her fingers and hands also took years. Nevertheless, she progressed step by step until she reached a certain level of pride. 

[Sand Drawing Academy]
Yu has built a curriculum that guides from beginners to intermediate and advanced with focus on ability of observation, application and creativeness. Many students at Sand Drawing Academy are as passionate as Yu and they have goals to achieve. So they are highly motivated and challenging and naturally it often becomes a job of Yu to train more of technical side as well as its direction. 

[Works of Yu]
‘Mother is a sinner’ is most famous. Paradoxically, the work delivers unconditional and forever love of mothers towards her children. The idea started to grow when Yu herself became a mom from which she imagined how big was the love of her mother. The work themed on Mandeok Kim also is her presentative work. Mandeok Kim was a Korean merchant and businesswoman lived on Jeju Island. When a big famine hit the island, she donated all of her rice and things to residents on the island and saved many starving people. (PowerKorea)

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