Safety is top priority when it comes to car tuning, emphasizes Lee, CEO of Haenareum Camping Car

½Åż· ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2021.02.25l¼öÁ¤2021.02.25 13:26






¡ã Haenareum Camping Car / CEO Lee Duk-young

Tourism industry probably is the worst hit by the COVID-19. It has put a halt to people traveling home or abroad and many are already out of business or facing the same fate. Industry aside, people with itchy feet seems to be desperate to find ways to enjoy outdoor activities as the pandemic is lingering more than they thought. 

As a result, the number of people traveling alone has increased due to social distancing and government's restrictions on number of people gathering. Also, the demand for camping car tuning is high as people want to stay overnight in their car rather than a hotel; and the industry is booming in South Korea at the moment. 

As is often the case, heated up market lures some of unqualified service providers and the family of 3 died during asleep in their tuned car in October 2018 alarms both the industry and car owners to take things seriously as the cause of death turned out to be carbon monoxide intoxication. 

"It is absolutely careless to install heater inside the car because even if it is installed outside mere amount of the gas can be leaked inside. This is one of many reasons you should find highly experienced and trustworthy car tuning providers" says Lee Duk-young, CEO of Haenareum Camping Car. 

Unlike many other providers who install the under-bed frame by removing the original rail of the car, Lee and his team keeps the rail as it is for safety reason. 

"This adds strength to the car which minimizes unnecessary devices that can turn into weapons when an accident occur. Also important when turning a car is laying out of the electricity wires according to its capacity to prevent any possible fire."

Tuning a car costs as small as 1.5 million won (1,341 USD) to 30 million won in South Korea. To meet each need and want of clients, Haenareum Camping Car offers customized tuning services according to their budget. It is notable that many of the clients are regulars thanks to cost-effective plans to choose and responsible construction.

Lee and his team appeared on EBS Extreme Job, TBS, and MBC Live This Morning and demonstrated their skills and knowhow alongside giving helpful tips to car owners who are planning a turning. 

Lee is credited for development of a PCT-type camping car heater which reduced power consumption while raised safety. The heater automatically cuts power off when the temperature reaches a certain level. Lee also developed a min air-conditioner designed specifically for camping car. The cooling power is not as strong as the car but it can be used handy during the scorching hot summer.

Currently, Lee is serving as the vice president of the Korea Car Tuning Association. PowerKorea.

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