The Capsule changes the way single travelers stay overnight

½Åż· ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2021.01.21l¼öÁ¤2021.01.21 14:52






¡ã The Capsule / CEO Jeong Seung-ho

Minimal life already has become a new rising way of living before the pandemic hit the world from early 2020. Minimalists throw away what is unnecessary and live with only the necessary. 

In South Korea, minimal life is related to increasing number of single households that has created newly coined words honjok (live alone) and honsul (drink alone). Adding to this, minimalist accommodation that is cheap yet neat is fast rising in South Korea and The Capsule Hotel is leading the trend under its philosophy simple, modern and comfort. 

The Capsule created a sensation at the Hotel Show 2020 and the one in Myeongdong Seoul (the other one in Banpo) has become one of the hottest hotels to stay for businessmen and foreigners alike. Each minimal room is neatly designed and spaced for one person only except shared shower rooms. The price per night is incredibly cheap: 16,000 won (14.71 USD) on weekday. 

Booking is made on mobile device and it is run manless during night hours. The self check-in is guided through text message from the room number to the password. Exterior is made of steel and interior of eco-friendly wood. Each room is sound-proof and installed with foldable desk and indirect lighting for the eyes.

Seeing the fast changing market demand, numerous companies and hotels are inquiring the installation which makes CEO Jeong Seung-ho busy at the moment. 

"Some client companies ask oxygen capsule so I'm considering it to come along with. It is also notable that they want to replace camp beds or massage chairs with capsules which is encouraging for a businessman like me" says Jeong.

The Capsule received Tourism Venture from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and is receiving support from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. PowerKorea → powering Korean business to the world!

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