Agricultural corporation Yeonhwa offers premium Korean beef at good price

ÇÑÁ¤Âù ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2021.01.19l¼öÁ¤2021.01.19 12:09






¡ã Yeonhwa / CEO Kang Min-gyun

Korean beef is known for super tender texture and looking-good marbling, the two reasons Koreans enjoy it more often than imported beef which is cheaper. Cattlemen in South Korea are always busy providing better quality and offering at good price on the market and Kang Min-gyun, CEO of agricultural corporation Yeonhwa, is one of them.

Taking over his father's and grandfather's business for three generation, Kang is raising 250 Korean native cattle known as 'hanwoo' on a 6,611 square meter field, 700 meters above sea level. Hanwoo is very sensitive so the environment, temperature and feed are very important to get premium quality. 

The HACCP approved meat processing factory of Yeonhwa supplies premium quality first class beef from more than 30 months old hanwoo as Kang signed a Safe Hanwoo contract with NongHyup (Korean agricultural bank and mart) to raise and supply standardized quality of beef. 

Alongside supplying the premium Yeonhaw beef to on/off line markets, Kang is running his own online shopping mall specifically designed for only quality Yeonhwa beef which sold at around 50% cheaper than the original price thanks to direct selling. 

The sales of Yeonhwa was 4.1 billion won (3.7 USD) in 2017, 15.5 billion won in 2018, 20 billion won in 2019 and 25 billion won in 2020. 

Kang, who majored in stock breeding at Keimyung College University, says "I'm planning to open 37 of Yeonhwa Korean beef restaurant nationwide when the pandemic is controled so that more people can enjoy premium quality Yeonhwa beef at a customized restaurant." PowerKorea → powering Korean business to the world!

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