Korea Polytechnic University Asan fosters talented future technology innovators and leaders

ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2020.11.17l¼öÁ¤2020.11.17 13:46






Artificial intelligence probably is the most frequently quoted word on the media today. Shortened as AI, it is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

While many countries pushing forward various projects to take the best seat possible in the field, South Korea is working on fostering 37,000 AI and SW (software) specialists through the ICT (information communications technology) Innovation Square project. Joining the project is Korea Polytechnic University Asan in the field of bio materials and next generation display.

To run the curriculum as normal as possible in times of the pandemic, Korea Polytechnic University Asan is applying cutting edge online instructions in its tech-optimized training and learning environment for AI, SW, blockchain, big data of the government's ICT Innovation Square project. Korea Polytechnic University Asan has boasted excellence in AI, NET programming, deep learning, big data, No-SQL (non-relational database), ethereum, ERC (ethereum improvement proposals)-20, Dapp (decentralized application), hyperledger (a multi-project open source collaborative effort), chain codes and blockchain. Prospected students are welcome to apply at www.kopo.ac.kr/asan.

"Korea Polytechnic University Asan targets to foster talented future technology innovators and leaders. For this, we have built curriculum based on practicality and industry-academic cooperation. Ambitious students are welcome regardless their background and we will help them make their next generation dream come true" says an official of the university.

ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚ  jsong_ps13@naver.com
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