Foretelling Moon¡¯s presidency through First Lady Kim Widespread recognition among elites of the society

ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2020.02.21l¼öÁ¤2020.02.21 16:23






“It is like the deaf and the blind living unknown of one’s fate. It is like lifting the fog knowing one’s fate. Those who are to die, die by misdiagnosis of the doctor. Those who are to live, live with someone meant to be” – Wolsan –

Long time practice of predicting our future

Times may change but the teachings of the wise last forever. People in South Korea have believed, or affected at least, by ancient theories, or often cited as superstition in the past, to see carefully before doing something in action. For example, they choose the day of moving their house inactive of the evil spirit which they call ‘shon’. For another example, elites of the society sought an advice of highly acclaimed monks, philosophers or fortunetellers about their life and future.

60 years of expertise in fortunetelling

Fortuneteller Wolsan has 60 years of study and experience in the field. He studied at Haedong Buddhist University, obtained certificates of philosophy and of missionary of the Korean Buddhist Jogye Order, carried on mountaineering asceticism for 10 years, and established Gaya Temple in Baekgeum-ri, Namyang-myeon, Cheongyang County in 2000. Wolsan is especially famous for prophecy of presidential election which made his business flourish during the election period. Invited to the SBS Truth or Dare in September 1999, he wowed the audience with in-depth knowledge and analysis on physiognomy.

Good deed and charity bring the same to the giver

“Man is but the universe. The upper body means the sky, the middle the border between the sky and the land, and the lower body the earth. In the same respect, the forehead is one’s early years, the nose one’s middle and the below the mouth one’s late years. Naming is very important. A good name is like a broad and level road for oneself as well as spouse and offspring. Those who have done good deed and charity are blessed as the deed affects positively the offspring.” Also talented in calligraphy and Bodhidharma and lotus painting, Wolsan won a special prize at a competition held by the Korea Calligraphy Painting Association, a runner-up prize at the Korea Calligraphy Grand Exhibition and another runner-up prize at the Korea Birim Art Exhibition. Those who received a talisman from Wolsan tell their stories of things that turned out better than before.

A wise guide for life

Most of the time, Wolsan is busy receiving people from all over the nation. Though different background, each of them are seeking a wise advice or two to make their life better and happier. It is Wolsan’s principle to read and tell one’s physiognomy as it is without honeyed words that make his client feel fake happiness. “I want to be a man who can give a helping hand to those who are in a situation of despair and hopelessness. If my wise advice can make their life better and happier than before, there is nothing I can expect more in my life.”

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