No more bullying coz here is Nurse Note that makes your job easy

±Çµ¿È£ ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2020.01.28l¼öÁ¤2020.07.07 19:27






¡ã Nurse Note / CEO of Sunghoon Oh

Like many gatherings and organizations, there is bullying called ‘taewoom’ among nurses in South Korea. The industry experts point out the poor working environment as the biggest contributor to this bad culture. For example, compared to a nurse in advanced countries, a nurse in South Korea has to deal with up to 4 times more patients. In number, it is up to 20 patients with minimum 10 if he/she is only lucky. 

This naturally causes fatigue and stress of the nurse and they affect not only patients with poor services but resulted in bullying colleagues. What is worse is that the work load is piled up for the remained if the bullied quit the job. It is said that a novice nurse usually takes 8 to 12 months to carry out the work professionally and any mistakes during the probation period can be a responsibility of the senior nurses in charge. 

Having thought of a solution for many years during his career as a nurse, Sunghoon Oh, CEO of Nurse Note, developed an app specifically for nurses and their works: it is called Nurse Note. 

The app lets nurses in a work place to manage their works easily, effectively and efficiently such as uploading work materials, search, sharing, management, organization, team note, today’s duty, and many more. In a word, it is an all-in-one nurse app.

Thanks to this excellent app, Oh received ‘technology innovation support project’ from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, ‘smart contents support project’ from the National Information Society Agency, and ‘excellent startup support project’ linked with Gwangju Techno Park in 2019. 

Nurse Note was released its beta services November 11 2019 and CEO Oh is working commercialization tests for App Store, Google Play and PC at the moment. 


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