Exhilaration comes from sound body and mind

°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2019.12.20l¼öÁ¤2019.12.20 13:25







Kookhak Kigong is a traditional body and mind training exercise that has been practiced in South Korea for many years. As a martial art’s point of view, it embraces ‘Sundo’ and as philosophical point of view, the Hongik Ingan, an unofficial national motto of South Korea meaning ‘to broadly benefit humanity and welfare’. Recently, the method has added elements of brain science and sport for all covering meditation and navel exercise to meet the need of modern city dwellers. 

Seunghun Lee, who founded the Kookhak Kigong Association, started to spread exercise from 1980 and it became a permanent member of the Korea Sport & Olympic Committee in 2016. It is estimated that around 5,000 organizations including schools and welfare centers are one way of another practicing Kookhak Kigong. 

At the Jamsil Arena on November 23 and 24, the association held the 7th Seoul International Sportskigong Competition for All and a number of renowned figures attended the opening ceremony including lawmakers and heads of the association and of the Korea Sport & Olympic Committee. The event this year attracted around 7,000 people from 12 countries including the UK, Japan, France, Canada, Spain, Italy and Greece of which 60 teams won a prize or two. A congratulation performance was given by Getbright and it enlivened the mood with songs, dance and martial arts. 

The association chairman Seunghun Lee said that Kookhak Kigong today is received as a brain sport from the world; the association president Kisun Kwon said it spread K-Spirit to the world; the Korea Sport & Olympic Committee head Kiheung Lee said it was now practiced in 20 countries and was contributing to better health of people; the Seoul mayor Wonsoon Park said it could be a good exercise for elderly and for sport for all. 


°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚ  wlstjdxp@naver.com
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