Make your body fit and release your stress with 30 Minute Jumping Exercise

°­Áø¼º ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2019.08.27l¼öÁ¤2019.08.27 09:42







Back in the days, food was a matter of surviving. Today in many developed countries, it is a matter of healthiness or diet. What is worrying is that we can see more people with obesity on the street than before. Some say diet is more important for them and others exercise. While eating is relatively easy and habitual, exercise often requires determination since not many people can spare time out of their workload and busy life patterns. Recently though, ’30 Minute Jumping Exercise’ seems to be attracting people’s attention.

30 Minute Jumping makes your body fit
30 Minute Jumping Exercise puts you on a trampoline to jump for 30 minutes following the movements on the screen and synchronizing it with music. What makes this exercise great alongside the ’30 minute’ comfortable length of time? It is at the fact that a 30 minute jump on trampoline consumes 500 kilocalories. Opened this April, the 30 Minute Jumping Exercise Ogeum-dong branch combined the exercise with aerobic and stretching to maximize the effect. Also offered after the exercise is a cup of herbal tea and of protein shake to replenish lost nutrients. In addition, exercisers check their body composition with a machine provided or enjoy a lower-body bath. 

30 Minute Jumping helps your children grow
Everybody can do 30 Minute Jumping Exercise from children to elderly and women and men alike. It increases strength in lower body and abdomen and develops a sense of balance, quick reaction and flexibility. Above all, it helps you release stress. The slot is set to 9am, 10am, 5pm, 6pm, 8pm and 9pm. “Unlike other exercises, 30 Minute Jumping Exercise has low accident rate because the bouncing power of trampoline does not burden the joints” explained Sohn Eun-ah, the 30 Minute Jumping Exercise Ogeum-dong branch manager. 


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