Reception on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus

±èÁ¾°ü ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2019.07.15l¼öÁ¤2019.07.15 10:01







On June 27, 2019, a reception on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus, 100th Anniversary of a Modern Belarusian Diplomatic Service, and the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders was held in the Republic of Korea.

The reception was attended by representatives of the Korean government agencies, the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, heads of diplomatic missions, representatives of the diplomatic corps and public organizations. Among the guests were also representatives of a number of large Korean companies and business associations.

In his speech H.E.A. Popkov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Korea, noted the successes and prospects for the development of relations between Belarus and Korea, positively assessed initiatives to develop cooperation with the EAEU states in the context of the New Northern policy, welcomed the active development of the inter-Korean dialogue. 

The Ambassador also paid attention to memorable historical dates, noted the heroism of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War, and also highlighted the main stages of the formation of the diplomatic service of Belarus.

H.E. Yun Kang-hyeon, Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, co-chairman of the Joint Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Korea, spoke on the occasion of the National Day of Belarus on behalf of the Korean government. During the speech H.E. Yun Kang-hyeon welcomed the results of bilateral cooperation and confirmed the Korean side’s readiness to further develop and strengthen cooperation in various areas of mutual interest. 

Deputy Minister commended Belarusian experience in the field of nuclear disarmament and Belarus’ support of peace initiatives on the Korean Peninsula.

The reception was attended by representatives of a number of newspapers and TV channels. The event was accompanied by promo videos about Belarus, a thematic photo exhibition and a concert program.

Festival Belarus

1. The most tourist-oriented

An annual Festival of Excursion Guides is held across all regional centres, dedicated to the International Day of Monuments and Sites. In 2013, during the 5th festival weekend, 115 unusual excursions were organised, across thirty-one locations.

2. The most spiritual

The international ‘Mahutny Boža’ (Mighty God) Festival of Spiritual Music, in Mahilioŭ, expands the geography of its participants each year. The 2013 programme included exhibitions, conferences, creative meetings, concerts, and a choir contest. Guests come from across the CIS and beyond, with men’s monastery choirs this year expected from Armenia and Georgia.

3. The most classical

The Yuri Bashmet International Festival is a multi-faceted holiday of arts, giving young performers the opportunity to perform alongside world famous artistes. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus awarded Yuri Bashmet, artistic leader and chief conductor of the Novaya Rossiya State Symphony Orchestra, the Francysk Skaryna Order for his significant personal contribution to the development of Belarusian-Russian cultural ties and the promotion of classical musical art.

4. The tastiest

The 6th International Festival of Traditional Culture and Culinary Mastery, ‘Motaĺskija Prysmaki’ (Motaĺ Delicacies), is held in the Bresckaja voblasć, in the agro-town of Motaĺ. The most ‘tasty’ event of the year is scheduled for August: a true holiday for everyone who enjoys ancient and traditional Belarusian cuisine.

5. The most ethnic

Representatives of almost 140 nationalities live in the Republic. The Festival of National Cultures, held in Hrodna since 1996, unites Belarus, gathering the best national-cultural association groups (of which there are more than three dozen) every other year. Hosted by the city on the River Nioman, they present the art of their nations, under state patronage.

6. The most folk-oriented

Pastavy, a picturesque place in Belarusian Paazierje, hosts the International Festival of Folk Music, ‘Zviniać Cymbaly i Harmonik’ (Cembalo and Harmonic Ring Out). The contest is open to folk musicians from Belarus and abroad.

7. The friendliest

For more than thirty years, the Slavonic Unity International Festival has gathered thousands of young people each June, from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, in the Dobrušski rajon of the Homieĺskaja voblasć, near the Friendship of Three Countries Monument.

8. The most historical

Military-patriotic associations and reconstruction clubs are extremely active in Belarus. The festival of medieval culture, Rubon, may be the most colourful, with tournaments of knights and archers, bugurts (teams of armoured knights battling according to medieval rules) and ancient games. Audiences flock to Polack to watch, and to take part.

9. The most artistic

The most famous Belarusian painter abroad, Marc Chagall, was born in Viciebsk. In July, art experts and fans of his work gather in his historical homeland for the International Marc Chagall Days. Exhibitions, readings and open-air workshops delight all those who attend.

10. The most extreme

So far, in its four years of existence, 25,000 people have visited the International Extreme Sports Festival, Wolves’ Paths. Held 3km from Babrujsk, and organised by the Russian Night Wolves, together with their Babrujsk branch, the programme includes a parade of motorcycles, competitions in quad-biking and motocross, stuntriding, a power show, exhibition performances of paratroopers, various contests for motorcycles, a fire show, fireworks, rock concerts and an evening disco, to the roar of motorcycles.

Ãâó: ÁÖÇѺ§¶ó·ç½º´ë»ç°ü Source: Belarusian Embassy Seoul

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