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[Special Interview] H.E. Tito Saul Pinilla, Columbian Ambassador

Fought on the South side among the 16 combatant nations at the Korean War, the Republic of Colombia tied diplomatic relations with S. Korea on 10 March 1962. The two countries steadily raised the level of cooperation to Cultural Agreement in 1976, Economic & Science and Technology Agreement and Visa Exemption Agreement in 1981 and Trade Agreement in 1986, culminating the FTA in July 2016. Korea’s export to Colombia reached to USD 1.51 billion as of 2015 in cars and car parts, synthetic resins, tires and ships and the import from Colombia to USD 610 million in crude oil, alloy, coffee, copper and scrap iron. <Power Korea> met the Columbian Ambassador H.E. Tito Saul Pinilla who is busy preparing the National Day of Colombia that will mark the 55 years of diplomatic ties and the one year anniversary of the FTA with Korea. 

When did you start your office in Seoul and what is your impression of Korea? 

I began my term in Seoul from April 2014. Regarding my impression of Korea, I have to say that I am impressed by the economic and social success of the country. In a few years I think the country will have become one of the world’s leading exporters in value added products such as cars, cellphones, home appliances, electronics and services. I assume that these remarkable achievements have been the outcome of many policy decisions and educational strengths that led the country to a highly skilled labor powerhouse. Also, Korea has strong cultural roots in language, food, music and many others that are unique and easily recognizable.

Could you shortly tell us about your previous posts?

At the beginning of my military career I worked in a tactical and operational level position. I participated in the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism for over 20 years as a fighter pilot. In 2005 I was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. One year later I worked in the Joint Command of the Military Forces of Colombia participating in the organization as Commander of the Special Operations Command. I was an Advisor of the Minister of National Defense and later I was Commander of the Colombian Air Force promoted to General (2011-2013). Since April 2014 I am the Ambassador of Colombia to Korea, Non-resident Ambassador of Colombia to the Philippines and to Mongolia.

What do you think are the images that might pop into people’s minds when they hear Colombia?

The bond between Colombia and S. Korea goes back to the Korean War. Colombia supported the South during the Korean War (1950-1953) by sending 5,100 troops of whom 213 were killed and 448 were wounded. Although many are not aware, Colombia was actually the only Latin American country to help South Koreans during the war. Apart from that, coffee, beauty, and football are some keywords that are often mentioned about Colombia. Many praise our Arabica coffee, a staple in an average Korean’s daily life. Koreans invest a great amount of time and interest in football so naturally, players like James Rodriguez are on the spotlight and Shakira is also a globally recognized singer. “100 Years of Solitude” is a steady seller here from my understanding, which although not everyone may realize, is a masterpiece by the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez. 

What are the key areas of diplomatic and economic cooperation between Colombia and S. Korea?

In economic matters, the Korea-Colombia FTA has been in force since July 2016. We are in the process to promote and stimulate entrepreneurs, producers, farmers and government organizations of each country so that they can make the most of the FTA benefits in goods, services, customs procedures, trade facilitation, investment, government procurement, sustainable development and many others. In terms of cooperation, there is a strategic partnership program built on bilateral discussions as well as the cooperation areas selected by Colombia’s National Development Plan and Colombia’s development needs. This Program aims at making contributions to Colombia’s national development vision focused on rural and urban development, transport infrastructure improvement, enhancement of industrial competitiveness and productivity, and post conflict projects. 

Could you introduce some of the Korean and Colombian companies currently active in each country?

There are some examples of Korean presence in Colombia: LG CNS in IT, Korean Development Bank’s investment in the Connection North Highway project, and Hyundai E&C currently building the water treatment plant for the Medellin River associated with the Consorcio Aguas de Aburrá. Other notable Korean companies operating in Colombia are mostly the large names such as Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, POSCO, SK and Nexen. It is important also to mention the Colombian companies in Korea. At the moment we have four Colombian companies that opened offices in Korea and they are basically located in the agro industrial sector. More than 5 years ago Rans Korea opened its office as a subsidiary of Rans in Colombia and since then it has been supplying high quality hydrangeas. A major milestone for this company came in 2017 as they started the imports of Colombian yellow pitaya, which is a fruit that has been very well accepted by Korean consumers. In the second place, we have two green coffee distributors, Café Nogales and Amativo Korea, one located in Busan and the other in Seoul respectively but both bringing the best Colombian specialty coffees. The fourth company is Daabon Organic that started operations this year and is selling organic palm oil, organic bananas and organic coffee in the Korean market.  In 2016, Colombia was the second biggest exporter of coffee beans to Korea after Brazil and we are in the top three exporters of instant coffee extracts and essences to Korea. Companies such as Colcafe and Descafecol are supplying Korean companies with high value products. 
Cultural and people-to-people exchanges are very important in building a close bilateral relationship. What cultural events and programs are you running at the moment?

The embassy constantly holds events to raise awareness of our country. Recently, we have successfully exhibited photographs of the master Leo Matiz in Pohang and Jeju. We even included pictures of the Colombian soldiers in the Korean War. Also, we are in the middle of selecting candidates to a scholarship program completely funded by the Colombian government in which Korean university students and tour guides are sent to Colombia to learn Spanish. A total of 60 candidates from the FEALAC (or FOCALAE in Spanish) member countries in East Asia are to be selected. It is the fifth this time and we are extremely content with a huge interest Korea has shown in this program. We have another exciting event coming up, probably the biggest one yet – the National Day of Colombia – which will probably take place on the last week of July. It is the most anticipated cultural event of the year as we always invite the most talented Colombians to promote our culture. It is basically a party with delicious food, plenty of attractions, and greatly anticipated traditional performances. More detail is yet to come! 

What do you think we can see, eat and enjoy when we visit Colombia?

Thanks to the geographical position of Colombia, the country counts with different climatic zones that create unique landscapes and destinations. The tourist destinations we promote here in Korea are Bogota, Cartagena, Coffee Cultural Landscape and Cali. Bogota is the capital of Colombia, and is the economic and political center of the country, but it is also a diverse and multicultural city that blends modern and colonial architecture. Cartagena is a World Heritage walled city where people can enjoy beautiful beaches, delicious food, and experience international cultural festivals. The Coffee Cultural Landscape is a region that illustrates natural, economic and cultural features of a society that is strongly connected to coffee plantations; there is even a Coffee amusement park. Cali is the center of the Salsa music and dance, this destination offers the possibility to walk under the shade of trees along the riverbank, admire national monuments and museums, enjoy music festivals and learn about sugarcane farming.  

Lastly, what is your future plan and is there anything you would like to say to <Power Korea> readers and Colombians living in Korea?
We expect the visit of Ms. Maria Angela Holguin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia who will attend the FEALAC 8th Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM) that will take place on September 1, 2017 in Busan, Korea. This visit will be the opportunity to strengthen our bilateral agenda that comprise not only political and cooperation issues but also trade and economic activities. Later it may be possible to have the visit of President Juan Manuel Santos who will return the previous visit of President Park to Colombia in 2015. In addition, a group of Colombian entrepreneurs and exporters led by Procolombia, the Export and Investment Promotion Agency, will pay a visit to Korea in August this year. One last thing as mentioned earlier, the National Day of Colombia on July 26th will be an opportunity to share part of our culture, history and the highest quality of music, food of our country not only with the Colombian community living in Korea but also with the Korean authorities and Embassies in Seoul. This year the central theme is the celebration of one year anniversary of the FTA and 55 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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