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Starwalks Company CEO Shin Dae-young
"Modern premium shoes come from practicality and the look"

Rachel Cox and REKKEN catch the eye of celebrities
Established by two men in 2009, the shoe specialist Starwalks Company is rising as a dark horse in the global shoe market with its eye catching designer brand Rachel Cox and the premium sneakers REKKEN. 
The former, released in 2010, reflected the urban sensibility of New York with strictly chosen natural leather enhanced by sophisticated curves and heel. The latter, released in 2014, proved the possibility that Korea also can produce globally recongnizable luxury sneakers. 
Starting from fashion malls, the two brands soon started to be appeared on the shelves of major department stores and the fame led to its flagship store 'Rachel Cox & REKKEN in Sinsa boulevard, Gangnam District, Seoul. 
You might have seen the shoes wearing by celebrities in dramas such as <Yong-pal>, <I Have A Lover> and <Mrs. Cop>. 

Sophisticated design and comfortable feel satisfy stylists
CEO Shin's career went through a fashion director and a fashion MD before launching Starwalks Company and made an glorious entrance to a select shop in New York. Recognizing the coolness of Rachel Cox, the overseas buyers showed an explosive interest and it appeared on MTV and Palyboy. 
CEO Shin then started to witness a top model like Gisele Bündchen wearing the shoes as well as flooding orders from many stylists who work for renowned figures of the society. Korea's 30 years of expertise in shoe making in Seongsu-dong, Seoul and Shin's eye to read the trend in advance has made a such great feat as this that surprised even the shoe experts in Italy and Japan. 
Apart from sophisticated design, the comfortable feel of the shoes probably is THE most 'I-want-to-have-those' factor as it is common that models take off the shoes as soon as they are off the shoot because their feet hurt. 

Growing as representative Korean luxury shoe brand
CEO Shin regrets that Korean shoe makers have been undervalued despite their shoulder-to-shoulder dexterities with the Italian counterparts. This is because, Shin analyzes, that the former, or the social system, have had lack of understanding in reading the trend. Shin's job, therefore, was to read the trend or even a step over it based on the accumulated Korean show making technique. 
Starwalks Company's 'made to order online' also cannot be missed to mention when talking about the company's global success. The shoes specialist obtained a certificate from the Korea Industrial Technology Association and has secured about 3,500 designs through its own in-house research center.
The only concern of Shin at the moment is that there are counterfeit of Rachel Cox and REKKEN circulating on the market. Yet he is confident that customers will surely have an eye to discern the original from the imitators. "In addition, I will keep introducing limited editions to give crystal clear differentiation" says Shin.

<Power Korea> sends a message of support. 

¿À»óÇå ±âÀÚ  osh0416@naver.com
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