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A leader in distribution and forklift wins 2017 Korea Value Management Awards

CEO Hong Jin-ki of Hongjin Enterprise

2017 BYD Electric Forklift Showcase

Auto Ground, Hongjin Enterprise and Korea Polytechnics Asan Campus held the 2017 BYD Electric Forklift Showcase on 27 last month atKorea Polytechnics Asan Campus. 100 forklift specialists visited the showcase to experience new battery installed forklifts on the day. BYD is a manufacturing infrastructure for battery technology-driven electricforklifts based on which Hongjin Enterprise is growing as a globally recognized electric forklift maker. The electric bus technology of the company also is well recognized in Europe and the US.

The BYD electric forklifts showcased on the day are installed with world’s first lithium iron phosphate that realized cost effectiveness and longer battery life and improved safety and performance.

Yoon Ki-sul, the dean of Polytechnics Asan Campus said “As the electric forklift market is growing, I think it is our role to foster talented manpower needed in the field. We are in the beginning stage at the moment but we will complete the curriculum and facilities within the year.”

Lee Chul-ju, the head of the electric vehicle division of Auto Groundsaid “I witnessed a positive response from the visitors on the day. Auto Ground is planning electric forklift programs at the moment in cooperation with Hana Capital and wewill use the rental programs to promote these innovative forklifts.” Hong Jin-ki, CEO OF Hongjin Enterprise said “Training is most important for maintenance and repair. Hongjin Enterprise has a nationwide service network and I hope that the three co-hosts of the showcase will introduce an optimized system by working closely together for better results in the future.”

From one mind toexcellent customer services

Hongjin Enterprise runs a nationwide networkfor maintenance and repair and CEO Hong said “Change and innovation are must needed elements to succeed in this competitive age. This means that all employees from the owner to the new employees need to work together to provide excellent customer services based on the knowhow and experience we have accumulated.” As part these efforts, the company runs responsible management system, strengthens business strategy and support, and promotes manpower development training while the forklift division does regular itinerant check-up and tire change services and runs after care center.

Hongjin Enterprise signed an agreement with Advance Tire to sell high quality tires at a competitive price and has sold Sebang Battery forklifts. In recognition, Hongjin Enterprise received the 2017 Korea Value Management Awards held on 16 May in the category of the forklift service brand.

Building a global trade network

Currently, the contract department of Hongjin Enterprise is manufacturing high quality products ordered by HD, KIA and SsangYong Motor. Naturally, the department boasts many highly skilled technicians and they also make a significant contribution to increasing productivity. Hongjin Enterprise also built a global trade network and has drawn a number of exclusive and sole distribution contracts with companies relating to forklift and forklift tire and batteries home and abroad including as Japan, China and the UK. Hongjin Enterprise especially opened a trade office in China.

The major business areas of Hongjin Enterprise are new and used forklifts, forklift rental and tire. The price of each product is open to public for transparency and the company also provides related information. “I and my employees will keep working together to grow Hongjin Enterprise as a global leader of forklift and distribution.”


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