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'Copacabana Grill' in Itaewon recommended by Brazilian ambassador Serra
The love that sparked in Latin America

Kim Jeong-hee went to Paraguay to help his sister's business in 1996. He then had a chance to work for a trade firm in Brazil. There was a clothing store he frequented and one day saw his future wife Kim Maria Joelma who worked part-time in the store and he instantly fell in love. While visiting Korea for wedding after 2 years of going out, Kim's mother suggested the couple to settle down in Korea and thus started a new life for Joelma in this foreign land of Far East. Like many other expats, she at first found it hard to adapt to new environment and culture but she soon became familiar with it and is now second to none in love of Korea, Kim says. Joelma used to help her parents' restaurant before and she harbored the wish to own her own restaurant. With good will to introduce Brazilian food to Korea in addition to fulfilling her wish, the couple opened a traditional Brazilian restaurant in Hannam-dong, Yongsan District, Seoul in 2008. The business went well and diners gave much compliment. The downside, however, was that most diners were Brazilians expats or the people related with Brazil in work. The next year in 2009, Kim and Joelma relocated the restaurant to World Food Street (behind Hamilton Hotel) in Itaewon with 60 seats on the second floor and it became the first Brazilian restaurant in the region. The business was humming right along and the couple turned the first floor also to the restaurant. Copacabana Grill currently has an annual turnover of 10 billion won. 

The true experience of Rodizio found at Copacabana Grill in Itaewon
There is only one menu, Kim says, in Copacabana Grill in Itaewon: Rodizio. It is Brazilian unlimited refill barbecue of 7 kinds of skewered steak, sausage, top sirloin, bottom sirloin, chicken, pork and bacon with beef serving around by Brazilian chefs on the table. The chefs serve the barbecue until a diner has his fill which then followed by grilled pineapple topped with sugar and cinnamon powder for desert. To treat each diner with a few of extra Brazilian tastes, Copacaban Grill prepares Feijoada(Brazilian black bean and meat stew), Stroganoff(Brazilian beef or chicken dish served with rice) and some other in addition to the use of free unlimited fresh salad bar. Since its relocation in 2009, Kim and Joelma have never increased the set price of 29,000 won per person no matter how much the price of meat, vegetables and the rent have gone up. It is the couple CEO's principle not to shift the difference onto diners nor alter the quality meat to cheap ones. This principle, Kim says, was what made Copacabana Grill as it is today with 10 billion yearly sales. Kim's business philosophy of 'Never lie to your customers' also might have been the source that impressed Brazilian ambassador Serra who highly recommended Copacabana Grill as one of the best restaurants in Itaewon. Meanwhile, Joelma kindly recommends 'Guarana' as a pleasant accompaniment for Rodizio. It is a juice made of guarana(bindweed) grown in the Amazon and has more caffeine than coffee which makes you feel invigorated while eating. Itaewon is the foreign embassy dense area and subsequently a lot of foreign restaurants and shops. It has become even more popular today for trendy cafes, clothing stores and bars stretching from Haebangchon and Gyeongnidan-gil to Hamilton Hotel and Hannam-dong. If you are eager to try something new, exotic and passionate taste this weekend, Brazilian ambassador Serra highly recommends you to try the Rodizio of Copacabana Grill in Itaewon. 

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