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Grand opening of Ramada Hamdeok II awaits in excitement for April
"Top notch facilities, classy rooms and incomparable services give you a perfect resting experience!"
Chairman Peter Seo of First P.N.S One. Inc / Jeju Ramada Hamdeok / Jeju Ramada Seogwipo

Ramada Hamdeok II rising as the grandest hotel in Jeju
Ramada is one of the hotel chains of total 7,300 hotels in 66 countries run by Wyndham Group which listed in Fortune Global 500. With this splendid reputation as a background, Ramada Hamdeok II in Jeju Isalnd, Korea is opening in late April this year. Built right next to Ramada Hamdeok I on a 1,340§³ land, the second hotel will boast its grandest scale of 1 floor underground and 8 floors above ground with total of 461 classy rooms among which 151 sized 27.70§³ that can compare with those of 5 stars. Seongsan Ilchulbong, Manjanggul and Olle Trail are within 30 minute distance with the Jeju International Airport in 19km that can be reached by hotel shuttle bus conveniently. Meanwhile, Ramada Hamdeok I built on a 6,363§³land is equipped with a jacuzzi on the rooftop of 8th floor, barbecue areas, fitness club, buffet bars, cafeteria and the ballroom (ground floor), providing the best experience available for tourists and business trippers as well as seminars and events. Ramada Seogwipo opened last year on a 1,269§³ land with Gangjeong Port as backdrop, on the other hand, boasts 172 rooms in 10 floors with view of Halla Mountain and a short distance from Seogwipo Innovative City and Health Care Complex as well as premium fitness center, executive floor lounge & bar and PDR room for events on the 9th and 10th floors. 

Business or private, ultimate resting experience is found at Ramada
First P.N.S One. Inc is the sole Korean agent of Ramada. The company satisfied the 3,000 pages of the service manual of Ramada in addition to the application of its own creative management ideas and knowhow. Running the hotel shuttle bus connecting major tourist attractions of the island is a good example while the sized up rooms of Ramada Hamdeok II in particular satisfy guests of either business and family or private not to mention the top notch leisure and event facilities and meticulous management services that call again the guests once stayed at all Ramada Hotels in Jeju. Having said that, they certainly deserve a 5 start hotel recognition. 

The four season sky pool on rooftop writes a new history of landmark
The four season sky pool on the rooftop of Ramada Hamdeok II is 15m in length, 3m in width and 1.5m in depth suppled with both hot and coldwater throughout the year. You might compare it to Marina Bay Sands and it therefore is highly expected to attract a great number of young people. The sauna underground also is big enough to accommodate each 50 men and women at the same time. If you are tired of being indoor however, Hamdeok Beach is right nearby for you to either walk or throw yourself into the emerald colored sea. Need a place for kids? The kids room on the 3rd and the 4th floors of Ramada Hamdeok I will answer your need. 

461 classy rooms make your staying an ultimate experience
Chinese tourists values more of the tour itself while Koreans, Europeans and Americans prefer the service and facilities according to a data. In this terms, Ramada Hamdeok II had better suit the latter with extensive facilities with attractive room rates between 100,000 and 150,000 won for standard rooms and 220,000 for suits which is similar to Ramada Hamdeok I. The buffet restaurant on the second floor also is worth mentioning; chefs prepare lobster and hot plate foods which are unusual to be seen in many buffet restaurants. All Ramada Hotel in Jeju in addition offer package deals such as breakfast and dinner and sauna packages. 

Connecting Ramada to tourist attractions
Whichever Ramada you stay in Jeju, you are well connected to each Ramada Hotel and also to tourist attractions in the island. This is because Chairman Peter Seo of First P.N.S One. Inc knows well about the tendency of the Jeju tourists on touring around as many attractions as possible. You can make your tour and stay more efficient by choosing one of the many tour package deals according to your own taste, be it either in-hotel activities or outdoor's which include kayaking. Those who buy package deals are provided with welcoming gifts and a free rent of foot massager. Ramada membership reward and cash back as well as the special use of partner hotels and resorts also cannot be missed. 

Luxury facility but economic room rate
Like travel agencies attract people by allocating 20% of inbound package deals in peak season and 30%~40% in off season, Chairman Seo has been running a team of 10 booking specialists for the last one year. The team analyzes a variety of wants and demands of tourists from stay only to total entertainment and offers competitive package deals. These of Seo's innovative managements were well recognized by winning 2015 Korean Culture Management Awards, Customer Satisfaction+ Management Awards and The Korea's Influential CEO in the innovative management category. With the current sponsorship for MBC drama <Missing 9> and the impending opening of Ramada Hamdeok II in April, CEO Seo and his team are pushing forward the spreading of Ramada Jeju as one of the best hotel brands in Korea. <Power Korea> is looking forward to seeing the grand opening in April that will write a new history of hotels in Jeju. 

¿À»óÇå ±âÀÚ  osh0416@naver.com
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