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Best World Plastic (CEO Park Young-ho)
Reinforced plastics specialist

BWP where all kinds of reinforced plastics gather together
Located in Danwon District, Ansan City, BWP started with just a 19 square meter small store to have grown to be a 3,305 square meter big warehouse today by supplying PVC type industrial reinforced plastics covering from pipes, valves, fittings, boards and sheets that are needed for semiconductor, chemistry, plants, water waste and treatment and environmental pollution cleanup for the last 17 years. Almost all the pipe related brands in the world such as Asung, SPEARS and HERSHEY as well as OEM-based products are found at BWP. All products are arranged according to its kind and brand on the shelves for a prompt pick up while a continuous investment is made in order to further increase the number of product lines and to expand the business. If R&D is the driving force for the growth of a manufacturing firm, Park says, securing stocks efficiently is the survival strategy of a distributor. The products of BWP are consumable and are constantly needed for the period between 2 and 20 years and it is a must therefore for a distributor to always keep them in stock as a large amount of order sometimes gets flooded in at once. 

Transparent management keeps fixed-price system rolling
The reason reinforced plastics are needed, Park says, is that pipes normally have to endure against acid, base, moisture and fraction which corrode even metals and SUS. The pipes that BWP supplies are rich in chlorine that strengthens heat and pressure-resistant. The current pipe product lines of BWP include Normal PVC, C-PVC, PP, Clean PVC, PVDF, HT, SCH80(Schedule 80)PVC, SCH80 C-PVC and SCH40(clear/transparent) PVC as well as various pipe fittings. Valves, on the other hand, include Normal Ball Valve, Double Union, Flanged, Diaphragm and Butterfly while PVC, PP, HT and Clear boards are provided in various colors. Other products include bolts and nuts, saddles, semiconductor equipment, tank fittings, angles, gasket and welding equipment and parts. The reason that the variety of product lines are needed is that the types and the sizes vary from country to country, Park says. Despite only 10% of stocks affect 90% of sales of BWP, Park never have once done dumping sales for the rest 90% of the stock and this of his principle has been the driving force for the 17 years of continuous supply. 

Win-win management
Park reads and climbs in his spare time: the hobby much encouraged by his grandmother. Park points out the fact that many manufacturing companies overseas prioritize their factories and businesses more than buying a big house and a fancy car instantly the moment of success like many Koreans do. Park also makes distance himself from entertaining his clients or bribery but only transparent and honest business deals. Surprisingly, more and more clients were hoping to make a contract with Park as a result. The number of partner companies of BWP today counts thousands. <Power Korea> sends a message of support to Park and BWP. 


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