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Romantic gas station where drivers and cars rest together
"100% authentic oil to your car while you enjoy this and that"

CEO Park Hyun-chul of Daeho Petro Gallery Gas Station
Value comes first before price at Daeho Petro Gallery Gas Station

Daeho Petro Gallery Gas Station opened its first franchise in Icheon City in September 2013. It captivated drivers not in a way like most gas stations do with points accumulation; Park turned the worn out gas station into a resting place and has demonstrated how much a gas station can do for the last three years. He changed office furniture and interior and reorganized the flow of people's movement in the space though it still functioned as an office. If drivers rather kept an eye on the meter while refueling lest they are fooled, they can now relax and rely on Daeho by 100% in terms of authenticity of S-Oil and customer services including bubble car wash which have been the source to secure more regulars year by year. Free tea, coffee, cafe like toilet and atmosphere are not even need to be mentioned.

The delicate scent of popcorn and tea instead of oil smell

It is easy to image to take a box of tissue or a bottle of water and drive away at a gas station. But Daeho's clean and hygienic exterior as well as video image signboard were good enough to make them get out of the car for a rest. The TV installed between the lubricators also attracted their eye. One cannot complain but only a compliment yet it is Park who feels rewarded the most for he loves watching people being happy and satisfied. Park currently has 8 gas stations in Icheon, Anseong, Incheon, Namyangju, Pyeongtaek and Yangju and they are all appointed as model management by S-Oil and often introduced on the in-house bulletin and magazine. Park at first sought advice from specialists for both interior and exterior design but he and his staff soon worked together to create their unique design. Park said that it was all thanks to the staff.

Professionalism and excellent customer services

Park said that many gas stations are run on rent which makes a bold investment to attract drivers not easy. Park's management method for this reason can be an alternative choice for them to grow in cooperation. Park also mentioned about the importance of staff welfare as it is the source of excellent customers services. For those who worry about cost-effectiveness, Park suggests to run a coffee shop or a convenience store within the gas station and he himself actually is considering it. All these elements are the power to hold the drivers despite a recent rise in oil price. Yet he dreams something bigger than this; to make a cultural complex-type gas station covering accommodation, resting and cultural space and convenient offices like we might once have seen in a western movie. <Power Korea> hopes Park's dream will come true. 

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