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Improve your golf skills with Im Hwan Jin Golf School
Im Hwan-jin, a pro gofer and the director of Im Hwan Jin Golf School

Golf is known as a sport of manners and accuracy. But where and how to learn often decides your level of golf skills. If you are one of those who wish to improve your golf skills, then <Power Korea> recommends you to do it with the help of Im Hwan Jin Golf School which boasts effective curriculum and one of the top indoor golf facilities. 

Gunsan's first golf school realized by unique clubbing skills
Located in Majang-dong in Gunsan City, Im Hwan Jin Golf School is an indoor golf lesson and practice range equipped with the latest golf facilities in its more than a 330 square meter space. He learned golf from 1997 in the US and is a member of PGA ClassA. He toured many golf courses in the US and developed his unique full swing methods after 7 years of research which have made him famous today. Im adopted the curriculum of a formerly famous golf academy and has secured 170 members within 5 months of opening Im Hwan Jin Golf School. He is specialized in correcting body posture with emphasis on fast full swing, distance and approach shots. "If the existing lesson methods were to draw a picture with a brush dipped in color, ours is to give a pencil and an eraser to paint the picture" explained Im. Im encourages students to do hula hoop to build muscles and to ease waist movement as well as whipping to enhance the strength of left hand before taking the club. Then a 200 times of practice swing follows before Im corrects intensively the angles of the hands and their impacted parts. After raising strength, Im asks students to do back swing for a month before moving on to impact lesson. The beginners usually can do full swing in one and a half month, says Im, and the experienced go out to the field to make 104 hits. 

Remember set up, back swing, impact and 8th iron
When doing the approach, Im applies the forms of his own development instead of the common mini swing. For the rest of the hours, he encourages students to do the approach and fitter, and recommends them to use the 8th iron when using an iron. Im says that set up, back swing and impact are the three basic elements of golf lesson and back swing in particular takes 80% of golf as it can cause slice and hook when done badly. The orbit is important in back swing and the ideal back swing and the orbit can be achieved by shifting the arm's angle smoothly to the neck through the head and the shoulder like professionals. When back swing is achieved, one might be able to use freely the drive and wedges. The hula hoof and whipping are actually designed for this to happen. Im teaches students the right strike zone which is the distance between one leg to another as a wrong positioning causes topping and duffing. Im also tips to keep the ball within the eye sight. To make all theses practices effective, Im put up mirrors here and there in the driving range so that students see and correct their posture and swing under the principle 'A good swing makes a good shot'.

Popularizing golf
Im is an expert who can make both beginners and pros have a perfect form through repeated practice swing. His 7 years of research also recommend ideal irons and swings customized to Koreans' body shape. When asked about his future plan, Im said that he wished to make the largest indoor driving range in Korea and to launch a franchise so that people could be more accessible to playing the golf. While most existing indoor driving ranges are for hobby, Im is focusing on the players building the basic skills of the sport. As part of this effort, Im is promoting sponsorship with Callaway and Adidas, providing discounts for members, and holding various events. "I will popularize golf in line of promoting Sport for All. Knowing one's own swing is very important in golf. Abandon the idea to hit the ball in front and practice like you are learning from a school. That way, you can achieve a perfect form in a short period of time" Im emphasized. 


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