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Introducing an endoscopy-specialized clinic
Hyun Dae Internal Medicine provides excellent medical services in Dangjin
Director Lee Jae-hak of Hyun Dae Internal Medicine

Having an endoscopy at ease
You can find Hyun Dae Internal Medicine in the apartment black around the new bus terminal in Dangjin City. As an internal medicine clinic, it is specialized in endoscopy, polypectomy, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, abdominal ultrasound, blood test, chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, shingles and pneumonia. Director Lee of the clinic is an sought-after internal medicine doctor who has gained much of his experience when in working at Catholic University Medical Center and Sokcho Medical Center. Lee in particular is an expert in endoscopy and he recommends safer and more comfortable conscious sedation endoscope to avoid vomitting. Lee says that regular endoscopy is more effective to spot any abnormal part of the stomach and the intestine than CT and X-ray. Lee recommends to do it once every two years for stomach and once five years for intestine in order to spot the tumor earlier that might develope into cancer. Also, to secure safety, Lee monitors the whole procedure on the screen to prevent any unexpected reaction.

Boasting university hospital-level medical equipment
Hyun Dae Internal Medicine opened its door five years ago and has also provided treatments for gestational diabetes and thyroid gland. Checking on the level of thyroid is important to protect the baby from deformity and congenital diseases. When neglected, there happens problems in nervous system and neglection on diabetes management also can cause hard labor when in delivery. For this reason, many patients tend to visit large university hospitals but Hyun Dae Internal Medicine's cutting edge medical facilities and equipment have been enough to attract them to the clinic. The distance the residents have to make a journey to the hospitals also plays advantage to the clinic.

Treating patients like my family
Lee says that providing excellent customer services is more important than boasting cutting edge medical equipment because the result of treatment in broad sense depends on trust and communication between the doctor and the patient. Lee continues "A patient must not be seen as a means of making profits through mechanical examinations without one's heart but we, doctors, must provide our very best effort in the whole procedure from receiving to discharge." The interior of the clinic, for this reason, is also designed with consideration so that patients feel as if they are visiting the house next door. This sense of feeling will further enhanced when you are asked from one of the staff at the reception "How are you doing theses days?" rather than "How can we help?". The conversation then naturally develops into telling about your symptoms and knowing about the patient's job, habit, etc, also can be of help to provide more effective treatment. If you live in Dangjin or South Chungcheong Province, you are highly advised to visit Hyun Dae Internal Medicine when you need a treatment for aforementioned examinations and diseases. 

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