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Have your own place with a simple container house
"Container houses are earthquake-free“
CEO Ji Dae-gyu of J System (The Container)

"Burdened about energy bills? Put it down with a zero energy container house."
J System is a company specialized in architecture consulting and electricity and communications construction. But its fame rather has come recently: CEO Ji published a Kyobo Book bestseller 'Container House' which suggests the standard of the future Korean container houses. Ji witnessed containers' excellent durability and water-resisting qualities while touring container factories in China and observing the use of containers for construction in the US. As there is an increasing demand for mini houses in the market, J System provides various size container houses from 13m2, 29m2, 50m2 and 89m2 with the price of KRW 4.5 million for the second one for example. When necessary, you can also have second floor by putting another one above. Majority of people cannot have a house of their own even after 30 years of their hard work but you can have one at a 'wow-price' within the city not outside. In addition, you can considerably save on your energy bills. J System's 'zero energy container house' is specifically designed for this by installing a solar energy facility on the roof. You can even sell surplus electricity and can create a container village with septic tanks, sewage system and a garden as well as a cafe, parking lot and restaurant when desired. 10 container houses can generate extra electricity and the village in a way can function as a mini power plant. Although there still needs to be more flexible regulations on container houses in Korea, surprisingly low price and approximately a month-long construction period are enough to make the industry prosper. Actually, it can also contribute to solving the housing problems. When asked about future plan, CEO Ji said "I'm planning to launch '50 Nursing Home Project' and to pioneer overseas market. 

¿À»óÇå ±âÀÚ  osh0416@naver.com
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