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From coffee consumer to coffee producer
Director Kim Deuk-man of International Food and Beverage Development Institute

Kim changeshis life at a cup of espresso

While working for a multi-international company, Kim encountered a cup of espresso that would forever change the course of his life on his business trip to Italy. Kim actually was a coffee lover but the completely different taste and aroma of the local espresso gobsmacked him. Back in Korea, he quit the job and plunged himself into research on coffee. After years of trials and errors, he eventually established International Food and Beverage Development Institute with the aim to spread quality coffee to the public and to foster industry specialists. Located in Pyeongtaek City, the institute provides various courses customized for 1st and 2nd Degree Baristas. It is a government-commissioned training institute and many coffee enthusiasts and startuppers are acquiring necessary skills. Yearly 500students of the institute so far have opened more than 200 coffee shops nationwide.

“Crispiness and roasting of coffee beans are the vital for making good espresso”

Kim shows a strong ambition to launch a franchise. He explains “It is common belief that franchise can bring a massive profit. But the reason I push it forward is not at making money but rather at providing ways for different types and concept of coffee business on its unique method of roasting and making.”

“Knowledge is power”

There is an increasing demand for coffee startups in the market due to a number of early retirees and high unemployment rate. But Kim warns “You are likely to fail if you jump into the field without knowledge and preparation on coffee beans, roasting, business management and customer services. Passion in the job of course is no need to mention. The good news is that you can get a free training at an institute like us that provides unparalleled curriculum. You can also get information on government policy and support if you plan to start a business.”

Presenting the pride of ‘made in Korea coffee’ to the world

Apart from his director’s role of the institute, Kim also is giving lectures at various universities. His dream however is to introduce ‘made in Korea coffee’ to the world. He says “Korea imports coffee from the world worth KRW 2 trillion. It is possible that we introduce ‘made in Korea coffee’ if we push forward our R&D capabilities based on our advanced agricultural technology.”

Coffee is not a drink but a culture and a life. A cup of coffee builds a bridge between people and creates a time for rest and healing for a while. We are living in the age where a KRW 5,000 coffee is worthier than a KRW 3,000 meal. That is why we should drink a quality coffee. What is quality coffee then? Kim answers “A quality coffee is crispy coffee beans directly roasted by a skilled barista who has passion in heart. And you can find one at a local coffee shop in your village.”

Á¤ÇöÁ¦ ±âÀÚ  econoj007@naver.com
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