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Asan Medical Center, the most respectable hospital in Korea
Asan Medical Center has been appointed No.1 at the ‘2016 Korea’s Most Admired Companies’. The survey is carried out by KMAC and the center has kept its No. status for 10 years. The center also has been appointed as ‘30 All Star (excellent companies)’ for 3 years thanks to its global level medical technologies in cancer, organ transplant and cardiac disorder. Total of 11,910 people were surveyed this year in relation to innovation, quality of service and social contribution. The center scored more points in all 12 categories especially in quality of service and reliability than any other hospital. Director Park Sung-uk of the center said “These outstanding achievements were possible thanks to the hard work of our staff. Like when we first opened the center 27 years ago, we will keep exerting our very best medical services and grow as a global hospital over Korea.”

30 medical students of King Saud University visits Asan Medical Center
30 medical students of King Saud University, Saudi Arabia paid a visit to Asan Medical Center. They were allocated to 12 departments to learn Korea’s excellent medical techniques through a 4 week course from 2 May to 27 May. Recently, there have been activities of Korean companies to export medical technologies to the Middle East and this visit in this respect is expected to create added value in the Korean medical industry. The center signed a yearly training agreement with the university in 2014 and started with test training with 3 medical students in 2015 and the number has increased to 30. The center appointed 12 areas students wish to deepen their knowledge including orthopedics, ENT, ophthalmology and liver transplant and the classes were directed by 20 professors of each field. Founded in 1967, King Saud University is one of the top universities in the Middle East and the Medical College opened its door in 1967 as the first medical college in Saudi Arabia. Around 4,000 graduates of the college currently are actively providing their medical services in the Middle East, Europe and Asia. The University praises high of Asan Medical Center’s global level medical technique and has visited the center for cooperation since 2010. Kim Young-tak, Head of Asan Medical Center International Business Department said “The training agreement will also play a role in promoting medical tourism in Korea and we will keep exerting our effort in spreading excellent Korean medical techniques to the world.” 

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