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Pursuing a trusty insurance planner rather than caring about breaking the contract and salary record
Kim Dae-Kwon SM at Jongno branch of AIA life insurance
“Planning to publish a guidebook for asset management suggesting right information by revealing the true face of insurance planning”

Korea’s insurance planning market has to be changed for customers not planners
At 24, Kim Dae-Kwon started his career at AIA life insurance and 4 years later he got promotion to SM. For last 15 years he has been working as an insurance planner with his own strict philosophy. It was that he would let people know about the insurance well. Kim SM is also a member of a podcasting <Individual investor’s profit jackpot strategy>, which is about stock market talk show that has over 20 thousand listeners. He has made over 350 times of speech in front of the audience and has been known for financial technology expert. Every time he was on the stage or on air he didn’t hesitate to talk about insurance company’s true faces and try to correct the distrust of insurance planners in the front line. Words he said on the podcasting were sharp like a gimlet to pinch financial culture in Korea and realistic to figure out. Kim SM confessed he has been thinking over clients who signs up for their unpredictable future and preparing for any accidents they never know for the future and it is same as before. They are worrying about the effectiveness compared the investment but don’t know about accurately their insurance is designed for that. Unfortunately, most of insurance products are designed for planner’s profit in real. 

He said “It is important for asset management and financial planning to raise the salary but the most important thing is that people have to keep the basic rule. For example, we have to think about how to save some fixed expenses from the income every month and flexible money depending on the situation. Also we have to know what insurance can make better secure money with small money and if there is some left money we better save or invest a financial product by the purpose. That is all. In terms of financial technology we must to tell from expenses, which we are spending money, saving money, which is saving and investing and keeping money, which is money for insurance, respectively.”

Kim SM talked about that clients’ loss are getting big because 7 out of 10 insurance planners quits in Korea and because of that people don’t trust insurance items. Therefore it is time to get rid of evil effects and customs in the insurance industry. If it keeps going we will never have a healthy insurance culture like advanced countries. Most of all, insurance planner who are trying to tell the truth don’t be respected in the middle of too much information but rather they are stressed out by mean responses and protest calls all the time. He was very sorry about that. 

Economic talk, spreading out a right insurance financial technology by a book
Kim SM is appearing as a guest at Maeil Economy LIVE TV <Economy Talk, Bare it> and Kim SM pointed out “Most insurance designs are that planners don’t explain the information correctly and carefully but they give planners lots of benefits. We have a culture to applaud planners who reach at million salary rather than planners who really design for clients truly.” Now his team members who are working with him are trying to give true information and some right insurance plans to build up the healthy financial culture as leading. According to him, the reason why he joined the podcasting <Individual investor’s profit jackpot strategy> even though he knew that is very informative for clients but there are some risk criticizing the industry where he is involved. At that time he was developing right insurance and asset management. With his honesty many people calls on him first and consult and Kim SM tells them it is not a good idea to cancel the insurance without thinking. “If we want to work long with a good reputation we have to give a good suggest the client. We cannot give some wrong suggestion later on. Even to my team members I tell them. Because of the benefit, if there is a planner to suggest disadvantageous product to client, the planner will quit the job soon.” 

There are samples for cosmetics and test for food at the market however insurance products has no certainty about the good things and advantages as soon as people sign up, so people must know how to check up carefully and they need to be examined their current insurances by experts again. He was the youngest SM in 2006 and he is supposed to be a Brand Manager (BM) early in the next year and these days he is planning to publish his book having far-out contents. 

Until now there are many books about planners’ career and experience and guideline for success but his book includes how to know the good and bad things of insurance, evil things at insurance market of Korea, a real inside story of insurance world and even things that clients must know. It will be an amazing chance to wake the insurance field up by his book hopefully as a former food industry worker’s book <Additives, a sweet devil to screw up my child> and telecommunication’s good campaign-check up contribute in society. 


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