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Low-temperature matured meat of the only kind 
Lee Jin-tae, president of Lee Jin-tae Grill with Salt, JT Friends Co. 

Lee Jin-tae Grill with Salt is an embodiment of President Lee’s knowledge and knowhow about meat from his 20 years’ experience as a meat processor. Since the 2007 opening of his own shop after his name until today’s relocation in expansion near Dong-Daegu express bus terminal, Lee Jin-tae Grill with Salt has been highly famed for its taste of meat. 

Result of two-decade-long knowhow:
low-temperature matured meat & sun-dried salt

You know that Korean people are a great meat eater. They usually visit a meat restaurant once a week or at least one a month. They are also such picky eaters, naturally, that they surf the Internet looking for meat restaurants in everybody’s mouth. In Daegu, Lee Jin-tae Grill with Salt, located at Shincheon-dong, Dong-gu, has long become a hot place for finicky meat eaters through word-of-mouth.  
According to regular customers, the biggest strength of Lee Jin-tae’s meat restaurant is the excellent taste of its own hard to be copied by others. The place is highly famed for ‘low-temperature matured meat’ which gives its unique texture and flavor. Here, they are daily supplied with quality meat through a careful selection until present Lee personally handpicks part of it to store in the fridge for low-temperature maturing. Meat going through contraction this way in the fridge holds live fleshiness without being frozen and its flavor even becomes better due to almost no loss of gravy. They also remove the edge of meat on which gravy has escaped during the process of maturing so that customers may enjoy the most delicious part of it. Besides, Lee Jin-tae Grill with Salt is transporting ‘Topan sun-dried salt’ from Segwang Saltpan located at Haenam village on the edge of Jeonnam land in order to enhance the taste of meat from low-temperature maturing.

President Lee explained, “Topan sun-dried salt is a fine article salt taking up only one percent of domestic yield of sun-dried salt and contains a large quantity of natural minerals and inorganic matter. It has only 20% of production rate compared to ordinary sun-dried salt and is sold 10 times higher in price due to the process costing much labor.” Especially, president Lee is only dealing in the salt matured for over 8 years after production, earlier than Japan’s nuclear accident, in an effort to keep to his principle of providing safe and healthy ingredients for customers.

With importance attached to basics
President Lee emphasizes, “Basics must take precedence over being special. We use low-temperature matured meat or Topan sun-dried salt not because they are something special but because we want to stick to our basics of delivering the best taste to customers.” This is why President Lee visited Mr. Kim Mak-dong, a master at producing salt in a traditional way, to close an MOU. Even for pine mushrooms to eat by grilling with meat, he personally visited an eco-friendly mushroom farm in Gyeongju to sign a contract. Another basic he emphasizes is customer service. “The basic of service lies in customer satisfaction, which is based on the physical strength of attendants. To maintain stamina it is logical to abstain from drinking and smoking. The energy emitted from such desirable health is easily spread to customers. We are training employees daily by emphasizing their physical strength.” 

Here, employees are making efforts for thorough customer service in a mindset to put anything into practice before it is required or demanded from customers. President Lee emphasized, “The basic of successful startup is start a business in full readiness.” Indicating that successful startup is not simply made by having much money or good luck, he advised on the need for stamina and health that enables one to be devoted to business continuously and enthusiastically treating customers with his best efforts. He said, “Many people choose a startup by franchise avoiding the risk of startup and complexity involved in the process of preparations. However, the success rate of startup here varies depending on the knowhow and techniques of the franchise head office and its responses. We would like to deliver our experiences and knowhow so far unsparingly like our original intention. By sharing with members our live knowledge from the actual field, we want to build up our brand in mutual prosperity and happiness.”


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