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Younger face and skin made by specialists

Making your face and skin young and beautiful
Earlgulsun (face line) Hepburn Style CEO Yoon Mi-sun / Sunyoojeong Esthetics Gwangju Hwajeong Branch

Waking sleeping cells for V line and younger skin
It is only natural that cells in our body lose vitality as we grow old. Many estheticians apply plastic surgery, massage on meridian system and so on to keep face and body young and healthy. In June 2012, face and skin estheticians gathered together to launch Earlgulsun Hepburn Style (The Style) in the form of a cooperative. The Style created a sensation in Iksan, Daejeon, Gwangju and Gunsan with its unique face line management that naturally makes the V line. Having played as the driving force of the face reduction technology for the last five years, Yoon became CEO of Gwangju Hwajeong Branch. She said "The forehead that decides the face line is consisted of 23 parts of suture. As we get old, our skin loses resilience and become swollen and bigger. This can be improved by an intense management of face, head and neck." The Style's 'Wave Method' in particular gives vitality to skin by stimulating the parts where muscles, nerves and lymph are located. Its principle is the same as the stone makes a wave when touched on the surface of a lake. The Style also uses a cream to fill up the pores open in a way of reducing irritation on the surface of the skin. Thanks to its effective management, Yoon is constantly invited by universities to give a lecture and demonstration and she also is preparing to pioneer Chinese market. 

The Style helps estheticians start a business
Yoon explained that The Style is run in the form of a cooperative of small business owners rather than a franchise. This is because Yoon herself was suffered much from failure of business and she wants to give a support for small business owners free from the power of large companies. With the help of Yoon, you can start a business at the cost of around KRW 10 million on the system of only one store per one owner. Yoon said "I don't just lend our name to store owners but give a responsible management support. I meet with three directors (Kim Eun-jeong, Kim Yeon-gyeong, Kim Young-jin) on a weekly basis to share ideas on skills, branding, marketing and new programmes. Currently, there are 14 branch stores operating centered around Seoul and the west part of Korea and we give a weekly training to staff on every Wednesday in Gwangju." On 24 last February, the cooperative opened Sinsa-dong Branch and is providing customized services according to each age group. Yoon continued "We optimized the effect of management by easy and efficient movement of the body of massager while the customer is laid in the bed customized to their body length and shape. Everybody can learn the skill so we are exerting our effort in fostering talented estheticians." Yoon added "The length of ideal service time, in which the customer feel most comfortable, is between one hour and one and half hours. If it is whole body care, two specialists will provide services in order to save the time while maximizing the effect."

Experiencing the best service for face line and younger skin
Thanks to the knowhow and effective programmes of The Style, you can easily make regular customers and fast profits. Yoon explained "Our body is in harmony of skin, blood circulation and skeleton. One of our main body management programmes is 'Complex Sculpture Management' relating to pelvis which is an important part in balancing our body. Knowing theory only is useless but the execution is the one that can impress the customers. That's why we focus more on practice as well as R&D." If you are interested in improving your face line and skin and its colour, just pay a visit to The Style to experience its instant effect by just one go. That's why its name is Hepburn Style and Yoon calling her colleagues as 'Face Designers'. Thanks to her achievement, Yoon received the grand prize in the category of customer satisfaction. But Yoon is never complacent. She said "Skills and customer satisfaction are more important than receiving prizes and spreading the words. Our management philosophy is well melted into each initial of the word Hepburn; Health, Earlgulsun (face line), Powerful, Beauty, Unique, Rest and Nerve." Surely, your desire to have a beautiful face line and younger skin can be achieved with the help of Earlgulsun Hepburn Style. 




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