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Samsung Medical Center Seoul carries out
Inherent Heart Disease Treatment Project

The team of pediatric prof. Song Jin-young of Samsung Medical Center carried out Inherent Heart Disease Treatment Project at Institute Cardiologie d’Abidajan (ICA) in the Ivory Coast 6-12 February. Song started the project in 2014 by visiting the local hospital to give a treatment to patients and the second visit this year included a medical training to the medical team of the local hospital. Song's team provided successful surgical procedure for 13 patients and 'patent ductus arteriosus surgery (2014)' and 'atrial septal defect surgery' were carried out for the first time at the local hospital. The local medical team also participated in the surgeries as part of training. The Ivory Coast is known to be the fastest growing country both socially and economically in West Africa but the prolonged civil war caused many patients visiting countries in Europe to receive a proper treatment. Prof. Song said "As a heart disease-specialized hospital, ICA actually has facilities for surgery rooms, catheter rooms and echocadiography rooms but a poor supply of materials, inappropriate treatment and patients' bad finance made it inefficient in overall medical services. For this reason, echocadiography seem to be an ideal treatment to maximize treatment effect. If external medical support and training are continuously provided, the hospital can significantly improve the level of treatment and services and we will, therefore, keep carrying out the project." 

Early rectal cancer patients need a constant check up for more than 5 years
According to a recent research, early rectal cancer patients need a constant check up on recurrence for more than 5 years. It is quite alarming because the patients and doctors tend to give not much after care more than 5 years as the survival rate of rectal cancer is about 87% after surgery. The Colon Cancer Research Team of Prof. Jo Yong-bum and clinical instructor Oh Bo-young of Samsung Medical Center Seoul carried out the research from October 1994 and December 2010 for 295 patients who received 'transanal local resection'.

Compared to other surgeries which cut off wide areas around the affected part, this method cuts off only the affected parts through anal passage and the patient gets less pain and complication as a result. Prof. Jo explains "Early rectal cancer patients now must be aware of the possibility of recurrence even after 5 years." Meanwhile, the research paper has been published on the medical journal Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, US. 

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