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Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo, the next generation health food

Working together to step forward

Secretary General Kim Young-woon of Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo Yeongeo Association Corporation

"Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo is popular for low-fat cholesterol"

Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo (Yeongil Bay black stone eel) is only catched in the coast of Heunghwan-ri and Balsan-ri, Donghae-myeon, Nam-gu, Pohang. The local fishers catch 50 tons of the fish every year but the local residents can hardly taste the fish as most of it is sold in the nearby cities of Ulsan and Busan. However, Pohang City started to promote the fish as a local specialty in 2014 and it has now become known as health food. Secretary General Kim Young-woon of Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo Yeongeo Association Corporation said "There are many bed rocks and pebbles in the coast of Yeongil Bay. The black stone eels live between these black stones in the fast current. They have black skin and the flesh is firm and have clean and nice taste." The black stone eels contain similar level of protein compared to conger eels in other regions but are relatively low in fat and cholesterol according to a research carried out by the Life Science Research Institute at Handong University. The black eels are also rich in vitamin and minerals and they prevent oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid, make our head clear, and are effective for high blood pressure and hardening of arteries. To promote the eels as local specialty, the city held 'Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo Festival' in 2014 and 2015 and encouraged people to bring up new recipes through various competitions. The city also has applied a patent for the eels and the eels are scheduled to be registered as an official brand late this year.

Working together to advance

It has been 4 years that the Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo Yeongeo Association Corporation was established. It currently has 5 executives and 40 members but the size is getting bigger. Kim says "We take the head role by turn for every 3 years and we are closely working together on equal relationship for co-growth. We also see things in long term perspective rather than to seek a short term profit." Kim used to work in the interior and construction industries for 25 years in Seoul. But he was persuaded by his wife to live in Pohang and the family finally moved to the city in 2010. He soon came to know that the middleman decided the price of fish in the market and he thought it was irrational. His solution was to make a integrated system that can carry out production, processing and selling, and it is almost in the complete stage. Although Kim was not a native of Pohang but many native people were impressed by his will to create a cooperatives. Kim says "The answer is quite simple; working together in fairness. Profits naturally follow if we all keep this way and this will lead the whole village to advance. It is same as the sea. There is a variety of species living in the sea but they all live as one whole body." Kim also participated in a fair held at COEX and gave 1:1 consulting to those who wish to move to a farm or fishing village. When asked about his goal, Kim said "My goal is to spread the excellence of Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo to the whole nation and I also want to pioneer overseas market. I came to know that eel is very popular in Japan and Germany. I'm currently working on marketing strategies as well as new recipes. I've already created 20 recipes and I think they will certainly captivate the taste buds of many Japanese and German." Power Korea wishes Kim and Yeongilman Gumeun Doljangeo a great sucess in 2016. 

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