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Phosphorene, the next generation material for semiconductor 
The 0.5 nano meter new material to open possibility to develop high performance subminiature semiconductor
Physics Prof. Keun Su Kim at Pohang University of Science and Technology

Phosphorene to overcome the drawback of graphene
Silicon has been used as a core material to make semiconductor for the last 50 years. However, due to the difficulties of miniaturization and performance improvement, the material is facing its limitation. Graphene was introduced as an alternative but is having a difficulty in commercialization. Faster moving speed of electron and flexibility for bending can be advantages but difficulty in controling the flow of electron as there is no bandgap is the fatal defect. 10 years have been past since. And introducing today as the next generation material for semiconductor is phosphorene. Physics Prof. Keun Su Kim at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) with Prof. Hyoung Joon Choi and Yeonjin Yi at Yonsei University announced last August on the reknowned science journal ‘Science’ that they had succeeded in controlling the flow of electron freely on phosphorene and had developed the core original technology of 2 dimensional semiconductor device and bandgap controling technology.

Phosphorene is a 2 dimensional matter picked off the several surface layers of black phosphorus and it is only 0.5 nanometer which is 1/100,000 of a hair. Kim and the team paid a great attention to the fact that it has corrugated structure which makes property control easy. Then they created strong electric field vertically by absorbing potassium atoms on the surface of black phosphorus. Subsequently, they succeeded in changing the range of bandgap from 0 to 0.6 eV. Kim explains “If the bandgap of phosphorene is close to 0, it can actualize high conductivity like graphene. This means that we solved the fatal drawback of graphene in regard to the bandgap problem yet only took the advantages of this material. We expect that our findings would be a turning point to shift the center of 2 dimensional semiconductor research to phosphorene from graphene.”

Taking initiative in leading high-tech electronics industry with high conductivity
The research of Kim and the team was supported by the Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic systems of IBS (Institute for Basic Science) affiliated to the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. The research has solved the 10 year prolonged bandgap problem of graphene while only taking its advantages. Many specialists predict that thanks to the research result, the development of high performance subminiature semiconductor device has come closer. Also, based on the fact that black phosphorus is a common matter like silicon and they can use the existing semiconductor process, its commercialization might be possible right after the development. Prof. Kim says “The excellence of graphene is that it has high conductivity which exceeds dozens or hundreds of times of semiconductor’s. One can induce the similar property to phosphorene, and this would create an important foundation for actualization of subminiature electron device which is used for making LED and computer chips. The remaining tasks for Kim and the team are to develop actual phosphorene transistor and the technology that can prevent oxidization of phosphorene in the air. Prof. Kim adds ”If backed up by rapidly developing Korean new materials research capacity, we can commercialize phosphorene semiconductor within a few years.” Loud cheers and long applause for Kim and the team. 

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