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Talented beauty specialists much needed for promoting K-Beauty industry
Suggesting a new fusion education model for cosmetics, beauty and design
Director Inchul Lee of Seowon University’s K-Beauty Promotion Center 
Leading a new wave of K-Beauty

According to the Korea Health Industry Development Institute, the export of the Korean health industry has increased by 26.9% on last year. Medicine topped the place followed by cosmetics and medical equipment but there has been a significant increase in cosmetics which contributed to the scale of export a lot this year. This is the result of the industry’s continuous effort in promoting the Korean beauty products and specialists. Director Inchul Lee of Seowon University’s K-Beauty Promotion Center says “K-Beauty currently is gaining popularity in the US, the EU and China and the recent development of ‘cosmaceutical (cosmetics + pharmaceutical) will further expand the business area.” Lee continues “K-Beauty is taking a great advantage of K-Wave such as Korean dramas, movies and music. The clothes and accessaries worn by the stars have explosive demands in the market as well as the cosmetics the stars are using.”  Lee adds “I reckon the popularity of K-Beauty will keep continuing. Especially, there’s an increased market share of the Korean cosmetics in South East Asia and also the quality is standing shoulder to shoulder with the French and the US products but at a much more competitive price.” 

Continuous support and R&D to build a foundation for sustainable growth 
Seowon University’s K-Beauty Promotion Center was chosen for Local University Specialization Project last year and has exerted its utmost effort in fostering talented students in the field. Especially, the center introduced a new fusion education model for cosmetics, beauty and design called ‘Fusion K-Beauty’ for the first time in the history of Korean universities. It provides industry and regional-oriented programs based on practical training, management skills and consultation. The training program in particular covers the areas of cosmetics, beauty and design in order to give students a comprehensive ideas about the industries and the career path consultation helps students to choose a right field they want. Director Lee says “While K-Beauty industry is growing fast, we still have lack of beauty specialists. Therefore, fostering industry specialists for now is very important task for us to focus on.” Lee adds “In order for K-Beauty industry to grow, we also need to improve public recognition. Cosmetology is a professional and scientific area to study and develop and we should invite more investment. By this way, we can secure a sustainable growth of K-Beauty industry.”

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