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Self-directed learning separates top students from slow students
"If you know how to study, study becomes fun"
Study Habit Academy, Principal Heagook Jeong

Amount of study decides academic record
Study Habit Academy does not force students to do memorization and reviewing the exam questionnaire. It is rather focused on providing 'coaching' but not 'teaching' which most existing academies and teachers to do to increase student's academic record only. Jeung is currently running 4 directly managed branches in Bundang, Yongin Suji, Yongin Dongbaek and Dongtan and 20 affiliated branches nationwide. Jeong developed unique coaching methods to improve students academic performance based on the national textbooks. Their programs include 'study method on each subject by using textbook, self-teaching book and workbook', 'daily study method', 'textbook analysis' and 'perfect score method'. The programs help student to be top students after a certain amount of time as long as they keep up with the programs. Jeong says "most top students are good at concentration in the class. The efficiently of study basically depends on the amount of learning. Korean students study 120 hours a week in average. If we say that the concentration rate of top students is 1, most slow students's are 0.4 which means that the latter are behind 60 to 79 hours a month." Top students tend to spend their spare time on revision and preparations which is another factor that separates them from slow students. The function of examination is to check students' understanding of the knowledge they acquired. Because 70 to 80% of the questions come from the class, it is very important for students to concentrate on the class to get higher scores and it should be followed by revision to create maximum effect. Top students spend 3 to 4 hours on revision a day while those who entered Seoul University spend 6 to 8 hours according to a research. Jeong continues "The three stage of learning is to learn, to make it one's own, and to apply it. These processes can be reinforced by revision and this revision can make one's learning fun eventually."

Reading is basic for improving concentration
Most students try to improve their school record by following what other students do after school such as going to private institutes. This can be effective at the stage of elementary school but it will soon show its limitation when they move on to middle and high schools as they are required to have understandability of various conceptions they learn. Jeong said that revision is an activity to save one's  learning in the brain through reading but passive students tend to memorize rather than to understand and this habit can discourage their independent study. Jeong says "independent study can be a hell for those who are familiar with rote learning. Because they don't know how to read, they feel the process difficult and boring and this reduces learning efficiency significantly. And this also can lead to learning demotivation. If students say that studying is difficult and boring, they have wrong study methods in most cases. The reason top students are top is not because they have better patience than slow students but they are habitualized with systematic study methods that can naturally improve their concentration." Study Habit Academy focuses on 'reading methods' because how to understand the words and save those images of the words in the brain decides the efficiency of study. This is closely related with concentration and concentration makes students have a fun with learning.

Answer to becoming top students is in the textbook
Jeong says "national textbooks are the best learning materials made by top specialists from each field. There are no better materials that can explain learning contents comprehensively than the textbooks. Reference books, on the other way,  just sum up those contents which means that they are the books for rote learning. The knowledge acquired by these books cannot last long and is not effective at all for improving one's understanability." This is the reason that Study Habit Academy develops methods according to each subject of the national textbook in order to boost up student's excitement and confidence in learning. Although the methods depend on each subject, they are basically designed based on 'reading ability'. The academy systematically trains students with analytic methods through 5 way reading methods that covers from reading textbooks, highlighting core elements, analysing context, understanding of the conceptions to reviewing. Slow students who went through these process increased their academic record from 50 & 60 to 90 straight away. Also, the coaches of Study Habit Academy thoroughly manage and supervise each student and help them throw as many questions as they can to encourage their participation in the class. Meanwhile, Jeong is determined to save students from costly after school institutes through providing systematic and effective learning methods. Jeong says "we are currently carrying out free itinerant lectures and consultations nationwide to spread our innovative methods and to increase the number of our branches."

Children need methods not pressure
Korea's education system has been criticized in many areas with rote learning and skills to improve school record in particular. This has given students a considerable amount of pressure and stress which gave Korea the title of the most unhappy youth among the OECD countries. Jeong emphasized on parents roles to make right learning environment for their children by saying "most parents keep yelling at their children "study hard" but never showed 'how to study'. They must be aware of the fact that children need methods for self-directed learning but not pressure." 
There is no short way to success. But if you know about the right directions and methods, you can find it.

Á¤½ÃÁØ ±âÀÚ  jungsijun@naver.com
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