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Company bird farm first established in the nation 
Leads a new paradigm for company animals 
Su Gi-hun, president of Bird Life 

With higher economic levels and the trend toward nuclear family, we have come to take more interest in company animals with more love. We don’t call them a pet anymore but our company, meaning that the animals are one of our family to get along with in our lifetime. In the past, they were puppy, cat, reptile or fish, but here comes a new company animal drawing much popularity and interest. It is a parrot which represents a long life. Since old times, the parrot has been known to live for fifty to a hundred years and a clever bird which discerns different colors and shape and mimics a song or a person’s words. Power Korea Monthly met President Su Gi-hun of Bird Life, who is the only one industrializing the parrot as a farm in the country and building a new culture of company animals.        

New trend in the company animal market set by a young person 
Su Gi-hun, president of Bird Life, is a young CEO in his 20’s. Taking much interest in animals since high school and working in the same field, and especially his early study on a parrot with interest has found the current Bird Life. Preparing a plan while in military service, he earnestly parceled out parrots after leaving the army and established a parrot-breeding farm for the first time in Korea. “Domestic company animal market is one trillion won in size. We are expecting it will come to 6 trillion won by 2020. Not only domestically but globally, company animal market has a considerably large size. Of these, on a global basis, company bird market approaches a share of 22%, but Korea is in the nascent stage so currently there is no general center or company at all for parrots.” Like this, it was CEO Gi-whoon’s driving force that realized a parrot market, of which no one had ever thought, based on his creative idea. 

Though somewhat unfamiliar domestically, there are about 200,000 people who keep company birds, or maybe more. However. there is no proper infrastructure built against the increasing population and there are few shops to sell them, so the drawback is taking some time for the people to take interest. CEO Su Gi-hun tried to overcome this demerit. Pet bird’s market in the nation depends on imports over 90%, which poses serious problems. Not to mention the import process, it is hard to believe whether it has paid taxes or it is a genuine breed, so company birds must be given the more carefulness. That’s why CEO Su Gi-hun established a parrot farm called Bird Life for the first time in Korea, and they are quickly becoming in the limelight with a new system as well as diverse research on fast supply of the birds to the people. 

“If instructed, the parrot can communicate with people, not just a simple mimicry of words. Usually possessing the intelligence of 6-year-olds, they arouse more friendship from humans than any other animals and present a family-like feeling. Besides, as a symbol of longevity, they are famous for giving happiness to a family. That’s why in Thai or China, parrots are evolving into a national trend enough to be seen easily everywhere.”


Bird Life, the nation’s only parrot breeding farm franchise 

In fact, Thai market already has numerous enterprises specializing in company birds. In our country, however, Su Gi-hun, president of Bird Life, has just introduced a parrot breeding farm franchise for the first time. Characteristically, this place is operated on the contrary to the existing franchise. While in ordinary franchise the head office sends out things to workplaces which buy the items to sell, for Bird Life, each farm breeds parrots for which the head office buys the total quantity so there is no burden of excess stock. It means for the member’s part, there is no reason for being unprofitable. There is no expense for the interior design and there is no cost to lose because the head office leases a cage, stand, egg cask, etc, for free. Besides, another merit is that it is a tax-free business that the younger generation is able to start up with a small capital. 

For these reasons, despite the short history, the company increased its members for the 1st term to ten around the country and is going to increase for the second term to twenty by 2016. Soon you can see Bird Life’s parrots in a large mart and it will increase sales and awareness of the parrot. Bird Lie’s president Su Gi-hun who set up the parrot breeding system for the first time and set a new trend in domestic company bird market also declared, “After settling domestically, I will base the farm in Taiwan and export the birds to China, Japan, Europe, etc.” 

Now, rising above a simple breeding farm for parrots, President Su Gi-hun is going to make all products involved to advance to a foreign market. We will soon see them gaining the ground overseas too, considering their movements so far about the first introduction of the system and activities within the domestic company bird market. 


¹®ÀÇ http://cafe.naver.com/kimpobirdlife




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